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PRO5750 Accessory

CTWB-9985 Waterproof Bag
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$2760 $2000
CTWB-9985 Waterproof Radio Bag This Command Tac CTWB-9985 Waterproof Bag is our brand version that goes head to head against OEM brand. Our CTWB-9985 comes with Denier Black Nylon Strap for easy carry (Very Comfortable to wear), Easy Lobster Push Gate Clip and Re-inforced Metal Grommets. Great alternative for radios that are in bad weather elements or not submersible. Our CTWB-9985 is made to handle most size radios CAUTION: These waterproof bags will NOT Work with Motorola APX large radios with long antenna
SKUCTWB-9985 OEM Brand RadioRitron, Midland, M/A-COM, Vertex, Tait, BearCom, Icom, Talkabout, GE Ericson, Harris, Tecnet, EF Johnson, BlackBox, RELM, TEKK, Hytera, Bendix King, Motorola, Maxon, TETRA, Datron Guardian, Kenwood, Uniden
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$44850 $39800
EC6M-MT2 Replacement Six Unit Charger for Motorola Radios May be used with NiCd, NiMH, Li-Ion, and LiPo batteries Includes 6 charging pods and power supply with cord for U.S. type wall outlet
Charging Cable IncludedComes with Charging cord Type of ChargerQuad Chemistry, Rapid Charger, Desk Top Charger
HLN9985A Waterproof Bag
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$3300 $2000
HLN9985A Waterproof Radio Bag This Waterproof Bag is our brand version that goes head to head against OEM brand. Our HLN9985 comes with Denier Black Nylon Strap for easy carry (Very Comfortable to wear), Easy Lobster Push Gate Clip. Re-inforced Metal Grommets. Great alternative for radios that are in bad weather elements or not submersible. Our CTLN9985WP is made to handle most size radios CAUTION: These waterproof bags will NOT Work with Motorola APX large radios with long antenna
SKUCTLN9985WP OEM Brand RadioTecnet, Kenwood, Datron Guardian, Talkabout, BlackBox, Tait, Icom, Vertex, Motorola, Bendix King, Ritron, Hytera, Uniden, Midland, BearCom, RELM, Harris, TETRA, Maxon, GE Ericson, TEKK, M/A-COM, EF Johnson
TWP-MT2 Charger Pod May be used with NiCd, NiMH, Li-Ion, and LiPo batteries For use with our brand chargers only
Type of ChargerCharger Adapter Cup Charger ChemistryNiCAD/NiMh/Li-ion/LiPo