PRO7750 SZ Radio

We offer a full line of Motorola parts to fit your PRO7750 SZ Radio.

Made with first-rate quality parts, our PRO7750 SZ Batteries meet or exceed OEM specifications.

Our PRO7750 SZ Remote Speaker Mics and Surveillance Pieces are some of the best you will find.

Find everything you're looking for at unbelievable prices. If you need help locating the right accessory for your two-way radio please give us a call.

Two Way Radio Supply stands behind all of our PRO7750 SZ Batteries, Parts and Accessories because we know that you demand products to be long-lasting and ready when you are.

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$11782 $8980
Our  PRO7750  SZ  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  PRO7750  SZ  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$10230 $7250
Our  PRO7750  SZ  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Highest Quality in Mind.  Our  PRO7750  SZ  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Rated IP67, Hi/Lo Volume Push Button, Heavy Duty Anchored Kevlar Coil Cable, Strain Relief, Built to Mil-Std 810, Push Anywhere Style PTT, Superior Audio, Super High Impact Casing, Oversized 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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Our  PRO7750  SZ  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Highest Quality in Mind.  Our  PRO7750  SZ  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Rated IP68, Hi/Lo Volume Switch, Heavy Duty Anchored Kevlar Coil Cable, Strain Relief, Built to Mil-Std 810, Superior Audio, 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$2000 $500
RLN4760A : The  Motorola RLN4760A  is a Clear Small Right Earpiece. The Earpiece  is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The RLN4760A Earpiece is compatible with the NTN8371A, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This RLN4760A Earpiece   is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits.
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsPRO7750, GP350, DTR410, CT150, XU1100, PRO3150, CP200XLS, MTX8250, CP200d, VL130, APX6000XE, XTS2250, RDU4100, RDX Series, CP120, HT1250, P1225, LTS 2000, XV2600, XPR7550, PR860, RMV2080, MTX850, APX8000XE, PRO7550, GP300, DTR550, MTS2000, XU2100, RDV2020, JT1000, MTX8000, XPR6380, SP50, APX6000LI, XTS2500, RDU2080d, RDV5100, CP100, HT1000, P1215, CP450, XV4100, MTX838, XPR7580, MTX9250, RMU2080d, XPR6300, PRO7450, GP2000, DTR650, CP88, XU2600, RDV Series, HT750LS, PRO7150, BPR40, XPR6500, SP21, APX6000, XTS3000, RDU2023, RDV2080d, CP040, GTX, PR400, CP300, XPR6100, CP160, XTN446, MTX9000, RMU2080, PRO7350, EP450, PRO5150, CP450-LS, XU4100, RDU4163d, HT750, PRO5750, CLS1110, XPR6550, CT250, APX4000LI, XTS3500, RDU2020, HT1550XLS, CP250, APX7000XE, GTI, P110, XPR3500, CP150, XTN500, MTX850LS, RMU2043, APX8000 , EP350, PR1500, MT2000, XV1100, PRO2150, CP200, PRO5550, APX1000, XPR6580, CT450, APX4000, XTS4250, RDU Series, HT1550, MTX950, CP240, APX7000, GP9000, XPR3300, CP140, XTN600, RDU4160d, RMU2040, CP110, APX3000, P1325, MT1500, XV1400, CP185, PRO5450, BPR20, XPR7350, HT1250LS+, CT450·LS, MTX-LS, XTS5000, PRO9150, CP220, MTX8250LS, GP900, VL50, CLS1410, XTS1500, RDU4103d, RMM2050, CP125, HT1250LS, P1225LS, MAG ONE, XV2100, XPR6350, SP10, PRO5350, APX900, XPR7380
RLN4761A, RLN4761
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$2000 $500
RLN4761A Earpiece : The  Motorola RLN4761A  is a Clear Medium Right Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece   is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The RLN4761A Earpiece is compatible with the NTN8371A, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This RLN4761A Earpiece   is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsCP125, APX3000, MTX9250, GTI, XTN600, MTX-LS, HT1550XLS, XV2100, GP1280, RMU2080, P1325, RDU2020, XPR7350, CLS1110, PR860, APX900, APX7000XE, HT1250, GP329, XU1100, RDU4163d, XPR6300, CP220, PRO5750, CP200d, CP140, APX4000, MTX9000, RDV Series, XTS1500, HT750LS, HT1550, XV2600, GP9000, GP1200, RMU2080d, P1225LS, RDU Series, XPR7380, CLS1410, MTX8000, XU2100, GP2000, BPR20, APX8000 , MTS2000, GP338, CT250, RDU4160d, XPR6350, CP200XLS, PRO5550, CP150, APX4000LI, MTX900, GP280, XTS2250, HT750, HT1250LS+, XV4100, EP450, RMV2080, P1225, PRO9150, XPR7550, CP040, PR400, GP339, XU2600, GP68, GP640, RDX Series, MT2000, CT450, RDU4103d, XPR6380, CP300, PRO5450, RDV5100, CP160, APX6000, MTX850LS, GP300, XTS3000, CP450-LS, PRO7550, EP350, SRX2200, P1215, PRO7750, XPR7580, CP100, HT1250LS, MT1500, GP340, XU4100, GP680, GP600, RMM2050, CT450·LS, RDU4100, XPR6500, CP200, PRO5350, GP650, CP185, APX6000LI, MTX850, GP320, XTS3500, PRO7450, GP350, DTR650, XPR3300, PR1500, P110, HT1000, XTN446, CP110, LTS 2000, GP344, XV1100, GP88, GP388, RMU2040, DTR410, RDU2080d, XPR6550, CP450, PRO5150, BPR40, APX6000XE, MTX838, GP328, XTS4250, CP250, PRO7350, RDV2080d, CT150, XPR3500, CP120, APX1000, MTX950, GTX, XTN500, JT1000, MTX8250, XV1400, GP900, GP360, RMU2043, DTR550, RDU2023, XPR6580, PRO3150, APX8000XE, APX7000, MTX8250LS, GP328+, XTS5000, XPR6100, CP240, PRO7150, RDV2020, CP88
RLN4762A, RLN4762
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$2000 $500
RLN4762A Earpiece : The Motorola RLN4762A is a Clear Large Right Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece   is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The RLN4762A Earpiece is compatible with the NTN8371A, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This  RLN4762A Earpiece  is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsEP450, RMU2043, BPR40, PR400, XTS5000, MTX838, PRO7450, DTR550, XPR6300, APX7000, P110, XTS1500, CP150, RDV2020, CP88, SRX2200, HT1250LS, MTX-LS, XV2100, XPR7380, CP100, RDU2080d, APX3000, PRO5350, CP220, RMU2080, MTX8000, XU1100, HT750, PRO7550, GP300, DTR650, XPR6350, APX7000XE, P1215, XTS2250, CP160, RDV2080d, CT150, VL130, HT1250LS+, PRO5450, XV2600, MTX850, XPR7550, CP110, RDU4100, APX4000, CP240, RMU2080d, GP2000, LTS 2000, XU2100, HT750LS, PRO7750, GP350, EP350, XPR6380, APX8000 , P1225, XTS2500, CP185, RDV5100, XV4100, CT250, VL50, HT1550, PRO5550, APX4000LI, MTX850LS, XPR7580, CP120, RDU4103d, CP250, RMV2080, MTX8250, MAG ONE, XU2600, JT1000, PRO9150, GP900, PR860, XPR6500, APX8000XE, P1225LS, XTS3000, CP200, RDX Series, PRO5750, CT450, XPR3300, HT1550XLS, APX6000, MTX9000, XTN446, CP125, RDU4160d, CP300, SP10, MTX8250LS, MT1500, XU4100, CLS1110, RDU Series, GP9000, PRO2150, XPR6550, APX900, P1325, XTS3500, CP200d, RMM2050, PRO7150, CT450·LS, XPR3500, APX6000LI, MTX9250, XTN500, APX1000, RDU4163d, CP450, SP21, HT1000, MT2000, XV1100, CLS1410, RDU2020, GTI, PRO3150, XPR6580, RMU2040, BPR20, PR1500, XTS4250, CP200XLS, PRO7350, DTR410, XPR6100, APX6000XE, MTX950, XTN600, CP140, RDV Series, CP450-LS, SP50, HT1250, MTS2000, XV1400, CP040, RDU2023, GTX, PRO5150, XPR7350
RLN4763A, RLN4763
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$2000 $500
RLN4763A Earpiece The  Motorola RLN4763A  is a Clear Small Left Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The RLN4763A Earpiece is compatible with the RLN5882, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This  RLN4763A Earpiece  is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsGP2000, RMU2043, BPR40, PRO3150, XTS5000, CP200d, PRO7450, MTX-LS, XPR6300, APX7000, P1225LS, XTS1500, CT450·LS, RDV2020, PRO7150, SRX2200, CP125, JT1000, XV2100, XPR7380, CP450-LS, RDU2080d, APX3000, MTX9000, GP300, RMU2080, CLS1110, PRO5150, XU1100, CP200XLS, PRO7550, GTX, MTX8000, XPR6350, APX7000XE, P1325, XTS2250, DTR410, RDV2080d, PRO5450, VL130, CP140, LTS 2000, XV2600, MTX9250, XPR7550, CP88, RDU4100, APX4000, GP350, RMU2080d, CLS1410, PRO5350, XU2100, CP220, PRO7750, HT1000, MTX8250, XPR6380, APX8000 , PR1500, XTS2500, DTR550, RDV5100, XV4100, PRO5550, VL50, CP150, MAG ONE, APX4000LI, MTX950, XPR7580, CT150, RDU4103d, GP900, RMV2080, CP040, MT1500, XU2600, CP240, PRO9150, HT1250, MTX8250LS, XPR6500, APX8000XE, PR400, XTS3000, DTR650, RDX Series, PRO5750, XPR3300, CP160, APX6000, P110, XTN446, CT250, RDU4160d, GP9000, SP10, CP100, HT1550XLS, XU4100, CP250, RDU Series, HT1250LS, MTX838, XPR6550, APX900, PR860, XTS3500, EP350, RMM2050, CP185, MT2000, XPR3500, APX6000LI, P1215, XTN500, APX1000, RDU4163d, GTI, SP21, CP110, HT750, XV1100, CP300, RDU2020, HT1250LS+, MTX850, XPR6580, RMU2040, BPR20, PRO2150, XTS4250, EP450, CP200, PRO7350, MTS2000, XPR6100, APX6000XE, P1225, XTN600, CT450, RDV Series, SP50, CP120, HT750LS, XV1400, CP450, RDU2023, HT1550, MTX850LS, XPR7350
RLN4764A, RLN4764
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$2000 $500
The  Motorola RLN4764A  is a Clear Medium Left Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The RLN4764A Earpiece is compatible with the PMLN6129, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This  RLN4764A Earpiece  is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits.
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsHT1250LS+, XPR7580, P1225LS, APX4000LI, CP200, GP300, XU2600, PRO3150, GP9000, CLS1110, XPR6500, PRO5450, XTS3000, MTX838, APX8000XE, CP125, XPR3300, PRO7550, CP450-LS, MTX-LS, XTN446, P1225, APX6000, CP200d, CP300, DTR410, HT1550, XU4100, PRO2150, GTI, HT1250, XPR6550, MTX9000, XTS3500, MTX8250LS, APX900, CP88, CP120, XPR3500, PRO7450, MTX9250, XTN500, P1215, APX6000LI, APX1000, PRO7750, DTR550, HT1550XLS, XV1100, PR860, GTX, HT1000, XPR6580, MTX850LS, XTS4250, MTX8250, BPR20, PRO7350, CT150, CP110, XPR6100, MTS2000, XTN600, P110, APX6000XE, CP185, PRO9150, DTR650, HT750, XV1400, PR400, CT450·LS, CP250, XPR7350, BPR40, MT1500, XTS5000, MTX8000, PRO7150, CT250, CP100, XPR6300, MT2000, XTS1500, MTX950, APX7000, CP160, SP10, EP350, HT750LS, XV2100, PR1500, APX3000, CP240, XPR7380, GP900, MAG ONE, XU1100, PRO5350, CP220, CP040, XPR6350, PRO5750, XTS2250, JT1000, APX7000XE, CP150, SP21, EP450, CT450, XV2600, XPR7550, P1325, APX4000, HT1250LS, GP350, LTS 2000, XU2100, PRO5150, CP200XLS, CLS1410, XPR6380, PRO5550, XTS2500, MTX850, APX8000 , CP140, SP50, GP2000, CP450, XV4100
RLN4765A, RLN4765
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$2000 $500
The  Motorola RLN4765A  is a Clear Large Left Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece  is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The RLN4765A Earpiece is compatible with the PMLN7158, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This  RLN4765A Earpiece  is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits.
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsXPR6550, GP2000, XPR6100, APX8000 , XU1100, PRO5750, CP200, RMV2080, HT750, P1225, APX4000LI, XTS2250, MT1500, CT450·LS, SP21, HT1000, RMU2043, XV2600, RDV Series, PR860, CP450, MTX850LS, CP120, XPR6580, GP300, XPR3300, APX8000XE, XU2100, PRO7150, CP200d, PRO2150, CP185, CLS1410, P1225LS, APX6000, XTS2500, MT2000, DTR410, SP50, HT1250, RMU2040, XV4100, CP125, RDU4163d, MTS2000, CP450-LS, MTX9000, XPR7350, GP350, VL50, APX900, XU2600, PRO7350, CP200XLS, MTX-LS, CP160, RMM2050, P1325, APX6000LI, XTS3000, XTN446, DTR550, SRX2200, HT1250LS, PRO5150, RDU2020, MTX9250, CP140, PRO3150, HT750LS, CP88, XPR7380, GP900, RDU2080d, BPR20, XU4100, PRO7450, CP220, MTX8000, CP150, RDX Series, PR1500, APX6000XE, XTS3500, XPR6350, DTR650, RDU Series, VL130, HT1250LS+, PRO5350, MTX950, APX1000, XTN500, JT1000, CT150, XPR7550, GP9000, RDU4100, BPR40, XV1100, PRO7550, CP240, MTX8250, CP040, RDV5100, APX7000, XTS4250, XPR6380, EP350, PRO5450, XPR6300, SP10, HT1550, P110, APX3000, XTN600, LTS 2000, CT250, XPR7580, GTI, RDU4103d, CLS1110, XV1400, PRO7750, CP250, MTX8250LS, CP100, RDV2080d, EP450, XPR3500, APX7000XE, XTS5000, XPR6500, PRO5550, PR400, RMU2080d, HT1550XLS, P1215, APX4000, XTS1500, MAG ONE, CT450, RDU2023, GTX, RDU4160d, RMU2080, XV2100, PRO9150, CP300, MTX850, CP110, RDV2020
RLN4941A Motorola Listen Only
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$2990 $1750
RLN4941A: The RLN4941A is the Command Tac Replacement for the Motorola Original Receive Only 3.5mm plug that will fit any Remote Speaker Mic or Public Safety Mic that has the 3.5mm accessory port. Coiled Clear Acoustical Tube, L Shape 3.5mm plug
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
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$1500 $600
The RLN6242A is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Acoustical Earpiece. The RLN6242A features Acoustical Tube, Coiled, Mushroom Tip and Use with either ear. The RLN6242A Replacement ear tube will fit many surveillance kits, partial list below. The Acoustical Tube is made to fit Motorola Original earpieces and may fit others
Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube Fits Radio ModelsRDU2080d, CP88, XPR6500, MTX8250LS, APX4000LI, HT1550, XU4100, PRO5350, CP150, XPR7580, MTX950, APX8000 , RDV2020, EP450, PRO7450, CP200·XLS, VL50, MAG ONE, P1225LS, CLS1410, GP88, XTS2500, RDU2023, CP450-LS, XPR6380, MTX8250, APX4000, HT1250LS+, XU2600, PRO5150, CP140, XPR7550, MTX9250, APX7000XE, RDV Series, EP350, PRO7350, CP200XLS, VL130, LTS 2000, XTS2250, P1225, CLS1110, RMU2040, GP68, RDU2020, CP450, XPR6350, MTX8000, APX3000, RMU2080d, HT1250LS, XU2100, PRO3150, CP125, XPR7380, MTX9000, APX7000, RDU4163d, CT450·LS, JT1000, PRO7150, CP200d, SP50, XTS1500, P1215, BPR40, RMM2050, GP308, XV4100, RDU Series, CP300, XPR6300, MTX-LS, APX1000, RMU2080, HT1250, XU1100, PR860, CP120, XPR7350, MTX850LS, APX6000XE, RDU4160d, CT450, SP21, HT750LS, XV2100, PRO5750, CP200, XTN600, P110, BPR20, RDX Series, GP300, PRO9150, CP250, XPR6100, MTS2000, HT1000, XTS5000, PR400, CP110, CT250, XPR6580, MTX850, APX6000LI, RDU4103d, SP10, HT750, XV1400, PRO5550, CP185, XTN500, P080, APX900, RDV5100, GP280, XV2600, PRO7750, CP240, XPR3500, MT2000, RMU2043, GTX, XTS3500, PR1500, CP100, RDU4100, CT150, XPR6550, MTX838, APX6000, RMV2080, HT1550XLS, XV1100, PRO5450, CP160, XTN446, P040, APX8000XE, RDV2080d, GP2000, PRO7550, CP220, XPR3300, MT1500, CP040, GTI, XTS3000, P1325
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$4990 $2995
The RLN6282A Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. Comes as a 50 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's. RLN6282
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsCP200·XLS, RDU2020, GP308, GTX900, XTS2250, P1225LS, XV2600, APX3000, HT750, VL130, CP300, GP9000, XPR7550, CP150, PRO7350, GP1280, LTS 2000, RDV5100, GP339, CP88, XU2100, GP640, XPR6380, CP040, PRO5150, CP220, RDU2080d, GP320, HT1000, XTS2500, BPR20, P1325, XV4100, APX4000, GP340, VL50, CP450, GTI, XPR7580, CP160, PRO7450, XU2600, MAG ONE, RDX Series, APX7000, CT150, P040, GP650, XPR6500, CP100, PRO5350, CP240, RDU4100, GP328, HT1250, XTS3000, APX1000, PR1500, APX4000LI, GP344, XPR3300, GTX, XTN446, CP185, PRO7550, CT250, XU4100, MOBIUS, SP10, APX7000XE, P080, GP68, XPR6550, CP110, PRO5450, CP450-LS, CP250, RDU4160d, GP328+, HT1250LS, XTS3500, BPR40, PR400, APX6000, GP350, XPR3500, GTX LTR Portable, XTN500, CP200, PRO7750, APX8000 , CT450, XV1100, GP2000, MT1000, SP21, P110, GP680, XPR6580, CP120, PRO5550, EP350, RDV Series, GP329, HT1250LS+, XTS4250, BPR40, PR860, APX6000LI, GP360, XPR6100, PRO9150, GP300, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, XTN600, CP200d, APX8000XE, CT450·LS, XV1400, GP2100, HT1550XLS, SP50, P1215, GP88, XPR7350, CP125, PRO5750, EP450, HT750LS, RDV2020, HT1550, XTS5000, CLS1110, PRO2150, APX6000XE, GP388, XPR6300, CP200XLS, RDU Series, GP280, GTX800, XTS1500, APX900, DTR410, XV2100, DTR650, HT6000, SRX2200, P1225, GP900, XPR7380, CP140, PRO7150, GP1200, JT1000, RDV2080d, GP338, DTR550, XU1100, XPR6350, CLS1410, PRO3150, GP600
TWP-MT2 Charger Pod May be used with NiCd, NiMH, Li-Ion, and LiPo batteries For use with our brand chargers only
Type of ChargerCharger Adapter Cup Charger ChemistryNiCAD/NiMh/Li-ion/LiPo
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Charging Units
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