P1225LS Radio

Two Way Radio Supply stocks an extensive line of accessories for your P1225LS Radio

Remote speaker microphones, batteries, single and multi-unit chargers, and antennas. We also have a large variety of surveillance ear pieces, headsets and more.

OUR P1225LS Batteries, Parts and Accessories are made to deliver you added safety and better productivity from your team members.

Browse our HUGE selection of top-quality P1225LS Radio parts and locate everything you are looking for at unbelievable prices.

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TWC1M-MT7A Replacement In-Vehicle Charger For Motorola Radios
AC/DC CapableIN-VEHICLE CHARGER Charger ChemistryNiCAD/NiMh
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TWC6M-MT7A Replacement Six Unit Charger for Motorola Radios Charges: GP300, GP350, GP600, GTX, LTS2000, MTX638, PTX600, Radius P110, P1225, P1325
AC/DC CapableAC Charger ChemistryNiCAD/NiMh
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