MT1000 Radio

Two Way Radio Supply offers an extensive line of accessories for the MT1000 Radio

We offer a complete line of proven MT1000 Batteries, Parts and Accessories for your MT1000 Radio.

We stand behind all of our MT1000 Batteries, Parts and Accessories because we know depend on products that not only last, but are ready when you are.

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The 5080370E97 Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. The 5080370E97 comes as a 25 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsPRO3150, DTR410, XTN500, GP900, APX6000XE, XPR6100, GP344, MAG ONE, CP200XLS, RDV Series, GP1280, XTS3500, GTX800, CLS1110, XPR6580, GP600, P1215, CP450, XV1100, HT1550, CP125, SP21, GP320, PR400, CT450·LS, XTN446, GP88, APX6000LI, CP200d, VL50, GP340, LTS 2000, RDU4160d, GP1200, XTS3000, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, BPR40, XPR6550, GP388, P110, CP300, XU4100, HT1250LS+, CP120, SP10, GP308, P1325, CT450, GP680, APX6000, JT1000, CP200, GP339, RDU4100, EP450, XTS2500, GTX LTR Portable, BPR20, XPR6500, P080, CP250, XU2600, HT1250LS, CP110, RDX Series, GP300, APX4000LI, CT250, XPR7580, HT750LS, CP185, GP338, RDU2080d, EP350, XTS2250, GTX, APX8000 , XPR6380, P040, CP240, XU2100, HT1250, CP100, RDV5100, GP280, GP68, APX4000, CT150, XPR7550, XV2600, HT750, CP160, VL130, GP329, RDU2020, DTR650, XTS1500, GTI, APX7000XE, XPR6350, GP360, MT1000, CP220, XU1100, HT1000, CP040, RDV2080d, GP2100, XPR7380, GP650, APX3000, P1225LS, CP88, XV2100, HT6000, CP150, SRX2200, GP328+, RDU Series, DTR550, XTN600, GP9000, APX7000, XPR6300, GP350, MOBIUS, CP200·XLS, GP2000, XTS5000, GTX900, CLS1410, RDV2020, XPR7350, GP640, APX1000, P1225, CP450-LS, XV1400, HT1550XLS, CP140, SP50, GP328
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The 5080386B90 Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. Comes as a 25 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsGP308, RDU2080d, GTX900, CP88, XTS3500, GP600, APX4000, GP650, VL50, P1225LS, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, CP220, XTN500, CP100, XV1400, HT1550XLS, RDX Series, CP120, CP160, XPR6580, DTR650, APX7000XE, GP320, RDU4100, LTS 2000, CT150, XTS5000, XPR6100, GP328, APX3000, GP68, P1325, GP328+, CP240, XTN600, CP040, XV2100, HT6000, SP10, CP125, CP185, XPR7350, EP350, APX7000, RDU4160d, CT250, XU1100, GP680, XPR6300, GP9000, APX1000, GP900, PR400, JT1000, CP250, XTS1500, GP344, CLS1410, XV2600, HT750, SP21, HT1000, CP200, XPR7380, EP450, APX6000XE, XU2100, RDV Series, CT450, P080, GP88, XPR6350, GTI, CLS1110, GP2100, PRO3150, HT1250, CP300, XTS2250, GP350, APX6000LI, HT750LS, SP50, HT1250LS, CP200d, XPR7550, GP1200, P040, XU2600, RDV2020, CT450·LS, P110, GP339, XPR6380, GTX, BPR40, GP280, RDU Series, GTX800, CP450, XTS2500, GP360, APX6000, GP329, SRX2200, HT1250LS+, CP200XLS, XPR7580, GP1280, P1215, DTR410, MT1000, XU4100, MAG ONE, RDV2080d, CP140, GP340, XPR6500, GP640, BPR20, GP300, RDU2020, CP450-LS, XTS3000, GP388, APX4000LI, GP338, VL130, P1225, GTX LTR Portable, CP200·XLS, XTN446, GP2000, MOBIUS, XV1100, HT1550, RDV5100, CP110, CP150, XPR6550, DTR550, APX8000
The 67009254001 Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. Comes as a 10 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsHT1250, CP200·XLS, P1215, GP339, BPR40, HT750LS, GP9000, RDU4100, XTS3000, GTX, CP450-LS, VL130, GP308, APX6000, GP640, XV1100, XPR6300, CP140, XTS5000, GP1200, XPR7580, RDV5100, CT450·LS, HT1250LS, CP200XLS, P1225, GP340, BPR20, XTS2500, HT6000, GTI, RDU4160d, GTX LTR Portable, CP450, VL50, GP320, APX4000LI, GP650, XV1400, XPR6100, CP125, RDX Series, GP1280, XPR7550, RDV2020, P040, CP200d, P1225LS, GP344, APX8000 , DTR410, XTS2250, HT750, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, CP300, RDU2020, GP328, APX4000, JT1000, GP68, XV2100, CP120, SP10, GP2000, CP040, RDV2080d, CT450, APX7000XE, CP200, P1325, GP350, DTR550, XTS1500, XPR7380, GTX800, CP250, RDU Series, GP328+, APX3000, LTS 2000, GP680, XV2600, CP110, SP21, GP2100, CLS1410, HT1550XLS, CT250, GP360, APX7000, XPR6500, CP185, PR400, XU2600, DTR650, XTN600, XPR7350, RDV Series, GTX900, CP240, GP329, APX1000, MAG ONE, GP88, CP100, SP50, GP280, CLS1110, HT1250LS+, CT150, MT1000, GP388, APX6000XE, XPR6380, CP160, XU2100, EP350, XTN500, XPR6580, P110, HT1000, CP220, PRO3150, GP338, BPR40, MOBIUS, GP900, RDU2080d, XTS3500, CP88, SRX2200, GP300, APX6000LI, HT1550, GP600, XU4100, XPR6350, CP150, XU1100, EP450, XTN446, XPR6550, P080
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$1950 $1010
The 7580372E70 is Replacement Foam Ear Cushion. Made to fit most all earbud/Pellet Style earpiece's like those that will fit the IPhone style. They are soft stretchable hygenic black cushions. This is a 10 PACK.
Ear Piece StyleEarbud Foam Cushion Fits Radio ModelsCP250, RDU2023, MTX9250, MAG ONE, XPR7350, BPR20, PRO2150, XTS5000, EP350, RMU2043, HT1550, XPR6300, CP200, PRO7350, CT250, RDV2020, APX6000XE, MTX8250LS, XTS1500, CP120, P1225, XV2100, GTI, SRX2200, CP300, RDU2080d, MTX950, MT1500, XPR7380, BPR40, PRO3150, XU1100, EP450, RMU2080, HT1550XLS, XPR6350, CP200d, PRO7450, CT450, RDV2080d, APX7000, PRO5450, XTS2250, GTX, VL130, CP125, P1225LS, XV2600, CP450, RDU4100, APX3000, MT2000, XPR7550, CLS1110, PRO5150, XU2100, GP2000, RMU2080d, MTX838, HT750, XPR6380, CP200XLS, PRO7550, CT450·LS, RDV5100, APX7000XE, PRO5550, XTS2500, HT1000, VL50, CP140, P1325, XV4100, CP450-LS, RDU4103d, APX4000, MTS2000, XPR7580, CLS1410, PRO5350, XU2600, GP300, RMV2080, MTX850, HT750LS, XPR6500, CP200·XLS, PRO7750, XTS3000, DTR410, RDX Series, APX8000 , PRO5750, HT1250, XPR3300, CP150, PR1500, CP88, RDU4160d, APX4000LI, MTX-LS, XTN446, CP040, PR400, XU4100, GP350, SP10, MTX850LS, JT1000, XPR6550, CP220, PRO9150, APX8000XE, PRO7150, XTS3500, DTR550, RMM2050, HT1250LS, XPR3500, CP160, CT150, RDU4163d, APX6000, MTX8000, XTN500, CP100, P110, XV1100, GP900, SP21, MTX9000, LTS 2000, XPR6580, CP240, RDU2020, APX900, PR860, XTS4250, DTR650, RMU2040, HT1250LS+, XPR6100, CP185, APX1000, RDV Series, APX6000LI, MTX8250, XTN600, CP110, P1215, XV1400, GP9000, SP50
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BP5447-1 Replacement Battery For Motorola MT1000 - 10.0V / 1200 mAh / NiCd Also Fits: MTX800, MTX900
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
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$8990 $6300
Our  CT-WP-MXT3 Remote Speaker Mic works with radios listed below. Our  CT-WP-MXT3 Radio Mic features the Highest quality componets above OEM. The CT-WP-MXT3 comes with Heavy Duty Strain Relief, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Rated IP68 WaterProof, Kevlar Coiled Cable, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port, Superior Audio and a 3 Year Warranty. All with better savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$897 $600
The CTAT-6242 is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Acoustical Earpiece. The CTAT-6242 features Acoustical Tube, Coiled, Mushroom Tip and Use with either ear. The CTAT-6242 Replacement ear tube will fit many surveillance kits, partial list below. The Acoustical Tube is made to fit Motorola Original earpieces and may fit others
Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube Fits Radio ModelsCLS1110, RMU2040, P080, GP68, XU1100, PRO5150, LTS 2000, CP200XLS, XPR6300, APX7000XE, RDV Series, MTX850, EP350, XTS1500, P1225LS, HT1250LS+, XV2600, CP140, SP50, MTS2000, CP450-LS, XPR7380, APX4000, RDU2023, CLS1410, RMU2043, P110, GP88, XU2100, XPR6350, PRO5350, PRO7450, CP200·XLS, APX8000 , RDV2020, MTX850LS, EP450, XTS2250, P1325, HT1550, XV4100, CP150, VL130, MTX-LS, CP88, XPR7550, APX4000LI, RDU2080d, CP040, RMU2080, P1215, GTI, XU2600, CP220, XPR6380, PRO5450, PRO7550, APX8000XE, RDV2080d, MTX9000, GP2000, XTS2500, PR1500, HT1550XLS, CP160, VL50, MTX8000, CT150, XPR7580, APX6000, RDU4100, XU4100, CP100, RMU2080d, P1225, GTX, CP240, XPR6500, PRO5550, PRO7750, APX900, RDV5100, MTX9250, GP280, XTS3000, PR400, HT750, CP185, XPR3300, MTX8250, CT250, XTN446, APX6000LI, RDU4103d, HT1000, XV1100, CP110, RMV2080, MAG ONE, CP250, XPR6550, PRO5750, PRO9150, BPR20, RDX Series, MTX950, GP300, XTS3500, PR860, HT750LS, CP200, XPR3500, MTX8250LS, CT450, XTN500, APX6000XE, RDU4160d, PRO7150, HT1250, XV1400, CP120, SP10, MT1500, CP300, XPR6580, APX1000, RDU Series, BPR40, RMM2050, P040, GP308, XTS5000, PRO3150, JT1000, CP200d, XPR6100, RDU4163d, MTX838, CT450·LS, XTN600, APX7000, PRO7350, HT1250LS, XV2100, CP125, SP21, MT2000, CP450, XPR7350, APX3000, RDU2020
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$2530 $1590
The CTL-4620 is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Receive Only 3.5mm plug that will fit any Remote Speaker Mic or Public Safety Mic that has the 3.5mm accessory port. D Style Comfort Ear Piece, L Shape 3.5mm plug
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Ear Piece StyleD Style Ear Piece
RLN4941A Motorola Listen Only
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$2990 $1750
CTL-4941-3.5: The CTL-4941-3.5 is the Command Tac Replacement for the Motorola Original Receive Only 3.5mm plug that will fit any Remote Speaker Mic or Public Safety Mic that has the 3.5mm accessory port. Coiled Clear Acoustical Tube, L Shape 3.5mm plug
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
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$6990 $6550
EC1-MT5A Replacement Single Unit Charger for Motorola Radios
Charging Cable IncludedComes with Charging cord AC/DC CapableAC, Vehicle DC Available
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$9380 $7345
EC1M-MT5A Replacement In-Vehicle Charger For Motorola Radios
Charging Cable IncludedDC Power Plug AC/DC CapableIN-VEHICLE CHARGER
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$57800 $42500
EC6M-MT5A   Replacement Six Unit Charger for Motorola Radios May be used with NiCd and NiMH batteries ONLY Includes 6 charging pods and power supply with cord for U.S. type wall outlet
AC/DC CapableAC Charger ChemistryNiCAD/NiMh
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$10010 $6300
Our ESM-28-MT3 Replacement Remote Speaker Mic is made with Top Quality in Mind. Our   ESM-28-MT3 Radio Mic provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Rated IP67, Kevlar Coiled Cable, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment, with the look of OEM
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$9570 $7495
The M5-PRSM-HD2-NC is made with Top Quality in Mind. Our M5-PRSM-HD2-NC Speaker Mic provides Professional Grade, Noise Canceling, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip and aStandard 3.5mm Accessory Port .
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$10010 $6300
Our M5-PRSM-HD3 Remote Speaker Mic is made with Top Quality in Mind. Our M5-PRSM-HD3 Radio Mic provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment, with the look of OEM
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$10010 $6900
Our M5-PRSM-HD3-WP Remote Speaker Mic is made with Top Quality in Mind. Our M5-PRSM-HD3-WP Radio Mic provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Rated IP67, Kevlar Coiled Cable, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment, with the look of OEM
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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