GP330 Radio

Optimise the performance of your GP330 Radio.

We stock a complete line of Batteries, Parts and Accessories for the Motorola GP330 Radio.

We have top-grade GP330 Speaker Microphones. Our reliable GP330 Batteries are designed with quality in mind. They will meet or exceed OEM specifications. Our GP330 Chargers are designed to charge all chemistry's.

We also have a large variety of surveillance earpieces, antennas and many other accessories.

Shop at Two Way Radio Supply.

Your trusted source for all your 2-way GP330 Radio Accessories. We offer great savings, easy check out process and superior customer service.

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The 5080370E97 Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. The 5080370E97 comes as a 25 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsCP300, HT1250LS+, GP388, APX7000, GP680, GP308, P1325, CP200·XLS, JT1000, CLS1410, XTS2500, CT450, GP339, APX1000, XPR6500, RDU4100, GTX LTR Portable, RDX Series, P080, CP140, XU2600, EP450, XPR7580, CP250, HT1250LS, APX6000XE, GP300, CP200XLS, HT750LS, CLS1110, XTS2250, CT250, GTX, GP338, XPR6380, RDU2080d, RDV5100, P040, CP125, XU2100, EP350, XPR7550, CP240, HT1250, APX6000LI, CP200d, XV2600, GP280, VL130, HT750, GP68, BPR40, XTS1500, CT150, GTI, GP329, XPR6350, RDU2020, RDV2080d, MT1000, CP120, XU1100, DTR650, XPR7380, CP220, HT1000, GP360, APX6000, CP200, XV2100, GP2100, SRX2200, P1225LS, CP88, HT6000, GP650, BPR20, XTN600, GP9000, GP328+, XPR6300, RDU Series, RDV2020, MOBIUS, CP110, XTS5000, DTR550, APX4000LI, XPR7350, GTX900, GP350, CP185, XV1400, GP2000, SP50, P1225, XTN500, CP450-LS, HT1550XLS, GP640, APX8000 , GP900, GP328, XPR6100, PRO3150, MAG ONE, CP100, XTS3500, DTR410, APX4000, XPR6580, RDV Series, GTX800, GP344, CP160, XV1100, GP1280, SP21, P1215, XTN446, CP450, HT1550, GP600, APX7000XE, GP88, GP320, VL50, PR400, LTS 2000, CP040, XTS3000, CT450·LS, APX3000, XPR6550, RDU4160d, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, GP340, P110, CP150, XU4100, GP1200, SP10
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The 5080386B90 Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. Comes as a 25 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsCT250, SP10, CP185, CP040, XTS3000, APX7000, GP9000, VL130, GP680, XTN446, JT1000, RDU4160d, APX1000, XV1100, GP344, GP900, CP250, EP450, HT750, XPR6550, HT1000, PR400, CT450, SP21, CP200, CLS1410, XTS3500, APX6000XE, GTI, VL50, GP88, P080, XTN500, HT1250, RDV Series, CP300, CLS1110, XV1400, GP350, GP2100, GP1200, HT750LS, XPR6580, HT1250LS, PRO3150, CT450·LS, SP50, CP200d, APX6000LI, XTS5000, XPR6100, P110, GTX, GP339, P040, XTN600, GTX800, RDV2020, CP450, BPR40, XV2100, GP360, GP280, GP1280, GP329, XPR7350, HT1250LS+, RDU Series, DTR410, SRX2200, CP200XLS, APX6000, XU1100, XPR6300, CP140, P1215, GP640, MAG ONE, RDV2080d, GP340, MT1000, XTS1500, CP450-LS, BPR20, XV2600, GP388, GP300, GP2000, GP338, XPR7380, GTX LTR Portable, RDU2020, XU2100, CP200·XLS, APX4000LI, XPR6350, CP110, P1225, DTR550, HT1550, GTX900, RDV5100, CP150, MOBIUS, XTS2250, CP88, APX8000 , GP600, GP308, GP650, XPR7550, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, RDU2080d, XU2600, CP220, APX4000, XPR6380, CP120, P1225LS, DTR650, HT1550XLS, LTS 2000, RDX Series, CP160, CP100, XTS2500, CT150, APX7000XE, GP328, GP320, GP68, XPR7580, GP328+, RDU4100, XU4100, CP240, APX3000, HT6000, XPR6500, CP125, P1325, EP350
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$4980 $4750
BP9008 Replacement Battery 7.5 Vots, 1500mAh and NiMH
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
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BP9009  Battery For Motorola HT750 - 7.5 V / 2100 mAh / NiMH Japanese cells. Includes belt clip.
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
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BP9009HC Replacement Battery For Motorola HT750 - 7.5 V / 2700 mAh / NiMH Also Fits: HT1250, HT1550, PRO5150, PRO7150, PRO9150, GP320, GP340, GP360, GP380, GP640, GP680, GP1280, MTX850, MTX850LS, MTX900, MTX950, MTX8250LS, MTX9250. Japanese cells. Includes belt clip.
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
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$8810 $4700
BP9012-1 Replacement Battery For Motorola HT750 - 7.5 V / 1200 mAh / NiCd Also Fits: HT1250, HT1550, PRO5150, PRO7150, PRO9150, GP320, GP340, GP360, GP380, GP640, GP680, GP1280, MTX850, MTX850LS, MTX900, MTX950, MTX8250LS, MTX9250. Includes belt clip.
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
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BP9013LI Replacement Battery For Motorola HT750 - 7.2 V / 2500 mAh / Li-Ion Also Fits: HT1250, HT1550, PRO5150, PRO7150, PRO9150, GP320, GP340, GP360, GP380, GP640, GP680, GP1280, MTX850, MTX850LS, MTX900, MTX950, MTX8250LS, MTX9250. Japanese cells. Includes belt clip.
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
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$7920 $5377
BP9858CSOR Replacement Alkaline Clamshell For Motorola Color: Orange. Approximate capacity with 12 AA batteries is 5000 mAh.
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
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$9200 $6500
The CTB-9013 is a direct replacement for the Motorola Original HNN9013 Battery. CTB-9013 comes with 2500mAh, Lithium Ion Chemistry, Belt Clip, Japanese Battery Cells and 12 month warranty. Command Tac CTB-9013 also comes with almost 1000 more milliamps than OEM. The CT9013 rplaces HNN9013, HNN9013CR, HNN9013DR, HNN9009 and HNN9008
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsPRO7350 LTR, HT1250LS, GP320, PRO5150 CONV, GP680, PTX780, GP339, MTX850, PRO7450 MPT, HT1550, GP328, PRO5350 LTR, MTX4500, GP540, MTX8250LS, HT750LS, PRO7550 PP, EX560XLS, GP329, PRO5450 MPT, GP580, MTX8250, HT750, PRO7750 SZ, GP1280, GP330, MTX450, PRO5550 PP, HT1250, GP640, GP380, PRO9150, GP240, GP338, MTX1500, PRO5750 SZ, HT1550XLS, HT1250LS+, MTX960, PTX700, MTX9250, GP360, MTX150, PRO7150 CONV, GP280, PR860, MTX950, PTX760, MTX850LS, GP340
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$5920 $5350
CTCS-6686 Battery Clamshell The CTCS-6686 is a 7.5V / 5000 mAh / Alkaline / Belt Clip. Our Replacement CTCS-6686 is built with a Rugged Polycarbonate Case and is used for Emergency Backup Radio Power. The CTCS-6686 utilizes 12 AA Alkaline Batteries that are Sold Separately . Our Brand CTCS-6686 offers top quality alternative at a much lessor price. The CTCS-6686 is also known as NNTN6686A and NNTN6686
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
RLN4761A, RLN4761
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$1460 $500
CTEM-4761 Earpiece : The  Motorola CTEM-4761 is a Clear Medium Right Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece   is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The CTEM-4761 Earpiece is compatible with the NTN8371A, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This CTEM-4761 Earpiece   is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsGP280, XV2100, GP88, MTX9000, CP200XLS, APX7000XE, PRO7750, EP450, RDV Series, RMU2040, GP388, MTX850LS, CLS1410, XPR7580, XU1100, PRO5550, CT450, PRO3150, APX900, CP110, APX4000, GP338, XPR3500, HT1550, XPR6500, CP250, GTX, XV2600, GP900, MTX-LS, MTX9250, GP329, APX8000 , PRO9150, GP1280, RDV2020, RMU2043, XU2100, GP600, MTX900, CP120, BPR40, APX4000LI, PRO5750, CT450·LS, RDU Series, APX8000XE, CP140, GP339, MT1500, HT1550XLS, XPR6550, CP450, P110, XTS1500, GP9000, PR860, GP1200, SRX2200, XTS4250, GP2000, RDV2080d, RMU2080, XU2600, GP640, MTX950, CP125, CP150, BPR20, APX6000, PRO7150, DTR410, RDU2020, RDU2023, GP340, MT2000, JT1000, XPR6580, CP450-LS, P1215, XTS2250, GTI, PR1500, RMU2080d, HT750LS, XPR6100, GP300, RDV5100, CP160, XU4100, GP650, MTX8000, CP220, APX6000LI, PRO7350, DTR550, RDU2080d, RDU4103d, GP344, MTS2000, LTS 2000, XPR7350, CP88, P1225, XTS3000, HT750, PRO5150, RMV2080, HT1250, XPR6300, GP320, RDX Series, CP240, CP185, XV1100, GP68, MTX8250, CP040, APX6000XE, PRO7450, DTR650, RDU4100, RDU4163d, GP350, MTX838, PR400, XPR7380, CT150, P1225LS, XTS3500, HT1000, APX1000, PRO5350, XV4100, HT1250LS, XPR6350, GP328, XTN446, CP300, CP200, XV1400, GP680, MTX8250LS, CP200d, APX7000, PRO7550, EP350, RDU4160d, RMM2050, GP360, MTX850, CLS1110, XPR7550, XTN600, CT250, P1325, XTS5000, CP100, APX3000, PRO5450, XTN500, XPR3300, HT1250LS+, XPR6380, GP328+
Motorola HNN9009AR Battery
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$9790 $6490
HNN9009AR Replacement Battery HNN9009AR comes with 2700mAh, NiMh, 7.5 Volts and Belt Clip. Our HNN9009AR is built with a Rugged Polycarbonate Case and the Best Quality Japanese Cells
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsGP140, PRO7450 MPT, MTX960, EX560XLS, GP580, GP360, PRO5150 CONV, GP330, PTX700, PRO9150, PTX760, MTX150, PTX780, PR860, MTX8250, MTX450, HT1250LS, GP340, MTX9250, HT1250, PRO7350 LTR, GP1280, MTX1500, PRO7550 PP, MTX850, GP339, GP680, PRO5450 MPT, HT1550, MTX850LS, GP320, GP328, GP240, GP338, MTX950, MTX4500, PRO7150 CONV, PRO7750 SZ, HT750LS, GP380, GP540, PRO5750 SZ, HT1550XLS, HT1250LS+, GP280, PRO5350 LTR, PRO5550 PP, GP640, MTX8250LS, GP329, HT750
Motorola HNN9012BR Battery
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HNN9012BR Replacement Battery This HNN9012BR has 1200mAh, 7.5 Volts, NiCad, and comes with Belt Clip. The HNN9012BR is built with a Rugged Polycarbonate Case and is replacing the discontinued motorola battery. Our Replacement HNN9012BR Batteries are a great price and a higher quality alternative to the Motorola Original. Nicad batteries are built for extreme temperatures
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola Chemistry and Amps1200 mAh NiCd
Motorola HNN9013DR Battery
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$9200 $6500
Motorola HNN9013DR Radio Battery This HNN9013DR comes with 2500mAh, Lithium, 7.4 Volts and Belt Clip. This is Our Replacement HNN9013DR and is built with a Rugged Polycarbonate Case and the Best Quality Japanese Cells. Our HNN9013DR Batteries are at a great price, higher milliamps and a...
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola Chemistry and Amps2500 mAh Li-ION
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GP330 Battery Our GP330 Radio Battery comes with (NiCad) Nickel Cadmium, 1200mAh, 7.5 Volts and Quality battery cells. Our GP330 Battery also comes with a Belt Clip. Our Brand Battery comes with a 12 Month Warranty
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Two Way Radio Supply Chemistry and Amps2700 mAh NiMh
CTLN9985WP-MO Waterproof Bag
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$3300 $2000
Motorola Waterproof Radio Bag This Command Tac Waterproof Bag is our brand version that goes head to head against OEM brand. Our Waterproof Radio Bag comes with Denier Black Nylon Strap for easy carry (Very Comfortable to wear), Easy Lobster Push Gate Clip and Re-inforced Metal Grommets. Great alternative for radios that are in bad weather elements or not submersible. Our CTLN9985WP is made to handle all size radios with long antennas. Our Motorola Waterproof Radio Bag is mainly used for rain and snow protection, not meant for complete submersion for extended time.
SKUCTLN9985WP-MO OEM Brand RadioMotorola
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$13980 $9930
Replacement PM9013LIP Radio Battery The PM9013LIP is a 7.4 V / 3300 mAh / 24.8 Wh / LiPo battery. The PM9013LIP is equipped with PolyMax HPC cells; the best in class products that feature high capacity. PM9013LIP fits the following radios: EX560XLS, GP1280, GP140, GP240, GP280, GP320,...
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
Motorola PMNN4455AR
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$9790 $6490
PMNN4045BR Replacement Battery PMNN4455AR is designed to meet or exceed OEM. Our Replacement PMNN4455AR comes with Belt Clip, 7.5 Volts, 2700 Milliamps, NiMh, Japanese Cells, Rugged Polycarbonate Case and 1 Year Warranty. The PMNN4455AR is also known as PMNN4455
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsGP280, GP540, GP380, MTX960, PRO5550 PP, HT1250LS+, PRO7550 PP, HT750, GP1280, PRO7150 CONV, MTX8250LS, GP330, PTX760, MTX450, MTX150, MTX4500, PRO5150 CONV, HT1550, GP329, MTX9250, PRO5750 SZ, HT1250, GP328, MTX8250, PR860, PRO7350 LTR, GP338, GP340, PRO5450 MPT, MTX1500, GP360, MTX850, GP680, GP339, PRO9150, HT1250LS, GP580, PRO7750 SZ, GP320, PTX700, MTX850LS, MTX950, GP640, PRO7450 MPT, GP240, PTX780, PRO5350 LTR, HT750LS, GP140, HT1550XLS, EX560XLS
RLN4761A, RLN4761
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$2000 $500
RLN4761A Earpiece : The  Motorola RLN4761A  is a Clear Medium Right Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece   is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The RLN4761A Earpiece is compatible with the NTN8371A, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This RLN4761A Earpiece   is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsCP200d, PR860, APX900, RDU2020, XPR3300, RDU4163d, GP329, XTN446, MTX9000, CP220, PR1500, CP140, XU4100, RMU2040, GP9000, PRO5750, RDV Series, XPR6550, P1225LS, HT750LS, GP1200, MTS2000, CLS1410, APX6000XE, GP2000, HT1550, XTS4250, CT250, MTX8000, BPR20, RDU Series, XPR3500, GP338, XTN500, MTX900, CP200XLS, APX1000, CP150, XV1100, RDU4160d, RMU2043, PRO5550, EP450, GP280, XPR6580, P1225, HT750, MT2000, CP040, APX7000, GP68, HT1250LS+, XTS5000, CT450, PR400, GP640, PRO9150, XPR6100, APX3000, RDV5100, GP339, XTN600, MTX850LS, CP300, CP160, XV1400, RDU4103d, RMU2080, PRO5450, EP350, GP300, XPR7350, P1215, CP450-LS, MT1500, CP100, APX7000XE, GP680, PRO7550, CT450·LS, HT1250LS, GP600, PRO7750, XPR6300, APX4000, GP650, GP340, XTS1500, MTX850, CP200, PRO5350, CP185, XV2100, RDU4100, RMU2080d, GP350, DTR650, GP320, XPR7380, P110, LTS 2000, CP110, XU1100, APX8000 , GP88, PRO7450, XPR6350, DTR410, GP388, HT1000, APX4000LI, GP344, XTS2250, MTX838, CP450, RDV2080d, PRO5150, BPR40, XV2600, RDU2080d, RMV2080, CT150, GP328, XPR7550, MTX950, CP250, CP120, XU2100, RDX Series, GP900, PRO7350, XPR6380, DTR550, JT1000, GP360, GTX, APX6000, MTX8250, XTS3000, MTX8250LS, RDV2020, PRO3150, APX8000XE, XV4100, RDU2023, SRX2200, CP88, GP328+, XPR7580, MTX9250, CP240, CP125, XU2600, RMM2050, PRO7150, XPR6500, P1325, MTX-LS, GP1280, GTI, CLS1110, APX6000LI, HT1550XLS, XTS3500, HT1250