DTR550 Radio

Two Way Radio Supply is your complete DTR550 Radio solutions provider.

We have a full line of high quality Motorola parts to fit your DTR550 Radio.

OUR DTR550 Batteries, Parts and Accessories are designed to help you perform your best.

Made with quality parts, our high-performance DTR550 Batteries will meet or exceed OEM specifications. Our DTR550 Parts and Accessories are tested to meet the same demanding quality standards.

Shop here, your number one trusted source for premium quality parts at the BEST Prices and quick shipping.

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The 5080370E97 Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. The 5080370E97 comes as a 25 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsXU1100, HT1000, CP040, RDV2080d, GP2100, XPR7380, GP650, APX3000, P1225LS, CP88, XV2100, HT6000, CP150, SRX2200, GP328+, RDU Series, DTR550, XTN600, GP9000, APX7000, XPR6300, GP350, MOBIUS, CP200·XLS, GP2000, XTS5000, GTX900, CLS1410, RDV2020, XPR7350, GP640, APX1000, P1225, CP450-LS, XV1400, HT1550XLS, CP140, SP50, GP328, PRO3150, DTR410, XTN500, GP900, APX6000XE, XPR6100, GP344, MAG ONE, CP200XLS, RDV Series, GP1280, XTS3500, GTX800, CLS1110, XPR6580, GP600, P1215, CP450, XV1100, HT1550, CP125, SP21, GP320, PR400, CT450·LS, XTN446, GP88, APX6000LI, CP200d, VL50, GP340, LTS 2000, RDU4160d, GP1200, XTS3000, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, BPR40, XPR6550, GP388, P110, CP300, XU4100, HT1250LS+, CP120, SP10, GP308, P1325, CT450, GP680, APX6000, JT1000, CP200, GP339, RDU4100, EP450, XTS2500, GTX LTR Portable, BPR20, XPR6500, P080, CP250, XU2600, HT1250LS, CP110, RDX Series, GP300, APX4000LI, CT250, XPR7580, HT750LS, CP185, GP338, RDU2080d, EP350, XTS2250, GTX, APX8000 , XPR6380, P040, CP240, XU2100, HT1250, CP100, RDV5100, GP280, GP68, APX4000, CT150, XPR7550, XV2600, HT750, CP160, VL130, GP329, RDU2020, DTR650, XTS1500, GTI, APX7000XE, XPR6350, GP360, MT1000, CP220
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The 5080386B90 Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. Comes as a 25 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsHT1250LS+, CP200XLS, XPR7580, GP1280, P1215, DTR410, MT1000, XU4100, MAG ONE, RDV2080d, CP140, GP340, XPR6500, GP640, BPR20, GP300, RDU2020, CP450-LS, XTS3000, GP388, APX4000LI, GP338, VL130, P1225, GTX LTR Portable, CP200·XLS, XTN446, GP2000, MOBIUS, XV1100, HT1550, RDV5100, CP110, CP150, XPR6550, DTR550, APX8000 , GP308, RDU2080d, GTX900, CP88, XTS3500, GP600, APX4000, GP650, VL50, P1225LS, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, CP220, XTN500, CP100, XV1400, HT1550XLS, RDX Series, CP120, CP160, XPR6580, DTR650, APX7000XE, GP320, RDU4100, LTS 2000, CT150, XTS5000, XPR6100, GP328, APX3000, GP68, P1325, GP328+, CP240, XTN600, CP040, XV2100, HT6000, SP10, CP125, CP185, XPR7350, EP350, APX7000, RDU4160d, CT250, XU1100, GP680, XPR6300, GP9000, APX1000, GP900, PR400, JT1000, CP250, XTS1500, GP344, CLS1410, XV2600, HT750, SP21, HT1000, CP200, XPR7380, EP450, APX6000XE, XU2100, RDV Series, CT450, P080, GP88, XPR6350, GTI, CLS1110, GP2100, PRO3150, HT1250, CP300, XTS2250, GP350, APX6000LI, HT750LS, SP50, HT1250LS, CP200d, XPR7550, GP1200, P040, XU2600, RDV2020, CT450·LS, P110, GP339, XPR6380, GTX, BPR40, GP280, RDU Series, GTX800, CP450, XTS2500, GP360, APX6000, GP329, SRX2200
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The 53963 is Li-Ion Battery, 1700 Milliamps, 3.6 Volts and has 6.8 Wh. Our Brand 53963 will out preform the OEM due to greater running milliamps. Why pay more with OEM, buy ours and get more and pay less
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsDTR650, MTH650, DTR610, MTH800, DTR620, DTR550, DTR510, DTR410
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The 53964 is Li-Ion Battery, 1700 Milliamps, 3.6 Volts and has 6.8 Wh. Our Brand 53964 will out preform the OEM due to greater running milliamps. Why pay more with OEM, buy ours and get more and pay less
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsDTR610, MTH650, DTR620, DTR650, MTH800, DTR550, DTR510, DTR410
The 67009254001 Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. Comes as a 10 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsSP50, GP280, CLS1110, HT1250LS+, CT150, MT1000, GP388, APX6000XE, XPR6380, CP160, XU2100, EP350, XTN500, XPR6580, P110, HT1000, CP220, PRO3150, GP338, BPR40, MOBIUS, GP900, RDU2080d, XTS3500, CP88, SRX2200, GP300, APX6000LI, HT1550, GP600, XU4100, XPR6350, CP150, XU1100, EP450, XTN446, XPR6550, P080, HT1250, CP200·XLS, P1215, GP339, BPR40, HT750LS, GP9000, RDU4100, XTS3000, GTX, CP450-LS, VL130, GP308, APX6000, GP640, XV1100, XPR6300, CP140, XTS5000, GP1200, XPR7580, RDV5100, CT450·LS, HT1250LS, CP200XLS, P1225, GP340, BPR20, XTS2500, HT6000, GTI, RDU4160d, GTX LTR Portable, CP450, VL50, GP320, APX4000LI, GP650, XV1400, XPR6100, CP125, RDX Series, GP1280, XPR7550, RDV2020, P040, CP200d, P1225LS, GP344, APX8000 , DTR410, XTS2250, HT750, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, CP300, RDU2020, GP328, APX4000, JT1000, GP68, XV2100, CP120, SP10, GP2000, CP040, RDV2080d, CT450, APX7000XE, CP200, P1325, GP350, DTR550, XTS1500, XPR7380, GTX800, CP250, RDU Series, GP328+, APX3000, LTS 2000, GP680, XV2600, CP110, SP21, GP2100, CLS1410, HT1550XLS, CT250, GP360, APX7000, XPR6500, CP185, PR400, XU2600, DTR650, XTN600, XPR7350, RDV Series, GTX900, CP240, GP329, APX1000, MAG ONE, GP88, CP100
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$1950 $1010
The 7580372E70 is Replacement Foam Ear Cushion. Made to fit most all earbud/Pellet Style earpiece's like those that will fit the IPhone style. They are soft stretchable hygenic black cushions. This is a 10 PACK.
Ear Piece StyleEarbud Foam Cushion Fits Radio ModelsMTX850LS, JT1000, XPR6550, CP220, PRO9150, APX8000XE, PRO7150, XTS3500, DTR550, RMM2050, HT1250LS, XPR3500, CP160, CT150, RDU4163d, APX6000, MTX8000, XTN500, CP100, P110, XV1100, GP900, SP21, RDU2020, MTX9000, LTS 2000, XPR6580, CP240, APX900, PR860, XTS4250, DTR650, RMU2040, HT1250LS+, XPR6100, CP185, APX1000, RDV Series, APX6000LI, MTX8250, XTN600, CP110, P1215, XV1400, GP9000, SP50, CP250, RDU2023, MTX9250, MAG ONE, XPR7350, BPR20, PRO2150, XTS5000, EP350, RMU2043, HT1550, XPR6300, CP200, PRO7350, CT250, RDV2020, APX6000XE, MTX8250LS, XTS1500, SRX2200, CP120, P1225, XV2100, GTI, CP300, RDU2080d, MTX950, MT1500, XPR7380, BPR40, PRO3150, XU1100, EP450, RMU2080, HT1550XLS, XPR6350, CP200d, PRO7450, CT450, RDV2080d, APX7000, PRO5450, XTS2250, GTX, VL130, CP125, P1225LS, XV2600, CP450, RDU4100, APX3000, MT2000, XPR7550, CLS1110, PRO5150, XU2100, GP2000, RMU2080d, MTX838, HT750, XPR6380, CP200XLS, PRO7550, XTS2500, CT450·LS, RDV5100, APX7000XE, PRO5550, HT1000, VL50, CP140, P1325, XV4100, CP450-LS, RDU4103d, APX4000, MTS2000, XPR7580, CLS1410, PRO5350, XU2600, GP300, RMV2080, MTX850, HT750LS, XPR6500, CP200·XLS, PRO7750, PRO5750, XTS3000, DTR410, RDX Series, APX8000 , HT1250, XPR3300, CP150, PR1500, CP88, RDU4160d, APX4000LI, MTX-LS, XTN446, CP040, PR400, XU4100, GP350, SP10
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$2790 $1800
Our Command Tac brand 8505241U06 Antenna is approximately 4 inches long and works in the 800-900 range. The Command Tac 8505241U06 comes with a 1 Year Warranty
Antenna Length4 Inches BandDigital Band
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The BP53964Li is Li-Ion Battery, 1700 Milliamps, 3.6 Volts and has 6.8 Wh. Power Products Brand BP53964Li will out preform the OEM due to greater running milliamps. Why pay more with OEM
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsDTR650, MTH650, DTR510, MTH800, DTR550, DTR410, DTR610, DTR620
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$1460 $500
CTEM-4760: The  Motorola CTEM-4760 is a Clear Small Right Earpiece. The Earpiece  is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The CTEM-4760 Earpiece is compatible with the NTN8371A, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This CTEM-4760 Earpiece   is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits.
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsAPX4000, CP125, MTX950, DTR410, XU2600, CP100, APX8000XE, XPR6550, RDU2020, PRO5750, CP450-LS, VL130, JT1000, MT1500, APX8000 , P1215, PR860, GP350, XTS2250, RDV5100, XTS4250, HT750LS, RMU2080, CP150, APX4000LI, CP220, MTX8000, DTR550, XU4100, CP110, RDU2023, XPR6580, RDU2080d, PRO7150, CP88, XTN446, LTS 2000, MT2000, XPR6100, P1225, PR1500, GP900, XTS2500, CP160, RDX Series, PRO2150, HT1250, RMU2080d, APX6000, CP240, MTX8250, DTR650, XV1100, CP140, RDU4103d, XPR7350, RDU4100, PRO7350, CT150, XTN500, PR400, MTS2000, XTS3000, XPR6300, P1225LS, PRO5150, GP9000, CP185, SP10, HT1250LS, RMV2080, APX6000LI, CP300, MTX8250LS, EP350, XV1400, BPR20, RDU4163d, XPR7380, RDU4160d, PRO7450, CT250, XTN600, CLS1110, MTX838, GTI, XTS3500, XPR6350, P1325, PRO5350, CP200, SP21, HT1250LS+, XV4100, APX6000XE, GTX, MTX9000, EP450, XV2100, CP040, RMM2050, XPR7550, RDV Series, PRO7550, CT450, XU1100, APX1000, CLS1410, MTX850, HT750, XTS5000, XPR6380, PRO3150, PRO5450, CP250, SP50, HT1550, XPR3300, APX7000, MAG ONE, MTX9250, GP2000, XV2600, CP200d, RMU2040, XPR7580, RDV2020, PRO7750, CP120, MTX850LS, CT450·LS, XU2100, APX3000, HT1000, APX900, XPR6500, RDU Series, PRO5550, CP450, VL50, HT1550XLS, XPR3500, APX7000XE, P110, MTX-LS, GP300, XTS1500, CP200XLS, RMU2043, BPR40, RDV2080d, PRO9150
RLN4761A, RLN4761
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$1460 $500
CTEM-4761 Earpiece : The  Motorola CTEM-4761 is a Clear Medium Right Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece   is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The CTEM-4761 Earpiece is compatible with the NTN8371A, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This CTEM-4761 Earpiece   is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsGP600, XV2600, XPR7580, CP125, MTX9250, CT450·LS, RDU2020, APX4000, CP140, RMU2043, PRO7350, XPR6500, JT1000, MTX900, GP339, XU2100, GP9000, APX8000XE, CP450, P1215, PRO5550, HT750LS, MT1500, GP2000, RDV5100, APX8000 , GP640, XTS1500, BPR40, CP220, MTX-LS, DTR410, RDU2080d, APX4000LI, BPR20, RMU2080, PRO7450, XPR6550, LTS 2000, MTX950, GP340, XU2600, GTI, RDU2023, CP450-LS, P1225, PRO5750, SRX2200, HT1250, MT2000, GP300, RDX Series, GP650, XTS2250, CP150, CP240, PR860, DTR550, RDU4100, APX6000, CP040, RMU2080d, PRO7550, XPR6580, PR400, MTX8000, GP344, XU4100, P1225LS, HT750, RDU4103d, CP88, XPR6100, HT1250LS, MTS2000, GP320, XTN446, GP68, XTS3000, CP160, CP300, PR1500, DTR650, RDU4160d, APX6000LI, CP200d, RMV2080, PRO7750, XPR7350, CLS1110, MTX8250, GP350, XV1100, CT150, P1325, HT1000, RDU4163d, XPR6300, HT1250LS+, MTX838, GP328, XTN500, GP680, XTS3500, CP185, GP280, PRO5150, EP350, RDV Series, APX6000XE, CP200XLS, XV4100, PRO9150, XPR7380, CLS1410, MTX8250LS, GP360, XV1400, CT250, PRO3150, APX1000, CP100, RMM2050, XPR6350, HT1550, MTX850, GP328+, XTN600, GP88, XTS5000, CP200, GTX, PRO5350, EP450, RDV2020, APX7000, GP329, XPR3300, GP388, XV2100, XTS4250, XPR7550, CP120, MTX9000, CT450, RDU Series, APX3000, CP110, RMU2040, PRO7150, XPR6380, HT1550XLS, MTX850LS, GP338, XU1100, GP900, APX900, CP250, P110, PRO5450, GP1280, RDV2080d, APX7000XE, GP1200, XPR3500
RLN4762A, RLN4762
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$1460 $500
Command Tac CTEM-4762 Large Custom Earpiece . The CTEM-4762 is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. Two Way Radio Supply Brand CTEM-4762 Earpiece is compatible with the RLN6424, RLN4941, RLN6424 and PMLN7412 clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This CTEM-4762 Earpiece is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits with Acoustical Clear Tubes
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsXV2100, PRO5350, CP150, SRX2200, HT1250LS+, RDV2020, DTR650, XTS1500, MTX9250, APX8000 , XPR6300, LTS 2000, PRO7450, CP220, XTS5000, P1325, CLS1410, RMU2043, GP900, MTX8000, APX4000, RDU2023, CP88, XPR7350, XV1400, PRO5150, CP140, SP50, HT1250LS, RDV Series, DTR550, XTN600, MTX9000, APX7000XE, XPR6100, JT1000, PRO7350, CP200XLS, XTS4250, P1225LS, CLS1110, RMU2040, GP350, XPR6580, MTX-LS, APX3000, RDU2020, CP450-LS, XV1100, PRO3150, CP125, SP21, HT1250, RDU4163d, DTR410, XTN500, MTX850LS, APX7000, XPR3500, HT750LS, PRO7150, CP200d, GP300, XTS3500, P1225, BPR40, RMM2050, XPR6550, MTS2000, APX1000, RDU Series, CP450, XU4100, PRO2150, CP120, SP10, HT1000, RDU4160d, CT450·LS, XTN446, MTX850, APX6000XE, XPR3300, HT750, PRO5750, CP200, RDX Series, GP2000, XTS3000, P1215, BPR20, XPR6500, MT2000, PRO9150, CP300, XU2600, PR860, CP110, RMV2080, GTX, RDU4103d, CT450, XPR7580, MTX838, APX6000LI, VL50, HT1550XLS, XV4100, PRO5550, CP185, RDV5100, EP450, XTS2500, P110, APX900, XPR6380, MT1500, PRO7750, CP250, XU2100, PR400, CP100, RMU2080d, GTI, RDU4100, CT250, XPR7550, MTX8250LS, APX6000, PRO5450, CP160, VL130, HT1550, XV2600, RDV2080d, EP350, XTS2250, MTX950, APX8000XE, XPR6350, MAG ONE, PRO7550, CP240, XU1100, PR1500, CP040, RMU2080, GP9000, RDU2080d, CT150, XPR7380, MTX8250, APX4000LI
RLN4763A, RLN4763
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$1460 $500
CTEM-4763: Command Tac CTEM-4763 Small Custom Earpiece . The CTEM-4763 is a Clear Small Left Earpiece. It is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. Two Way Radio Supply Brand CTEM-4763 Earpiece is compatible with the RLN5882, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This  CTEM-4763 Earpiece is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsXV2100, PRO5350, CP150, SRX2200, HT1250LS+, RDV2020, DTR650, XTS1500, MTX9250, APX8000 , XPR6300, LTS 2000, PRO7450, CP220, XTS5000, P1325, CLS1410, RMU2043, GP900, MTX8000, APX4000, RDU2023, CP88, XPR7350, XV1400, PRO5150, CP140, SP50, HT1250LS, RDV Series, DTR550, XTN600, MTX9000, APX7000XE, XPR6100, JT1000, PRO7350, CP200XLS, XTS4250, P1225LS, CLS1110, RMU2040, GP350, XPR6580, MTX-LS, APX3000, RDU2020, CP450-LS, XV1100, PRO3150, CP125, SP21, HT1250, RDU4163d, DTR410, XTN500, MTX850LS, APX7000, XPR3500, HT750LS, PRO7150, CP200d, GP300, XTS3500, P1225, BPR40, RMM2050, XPR6550, MTS2000, APX1000, RDU Series, CP450, XU4100, PRO2150, CP120, SP10, HT1000, RDU4160d, CT450·LS, XTN446, MTX850, APX6000XE, XPR3300, HT750, PRO5750, CP200, RDX Series, GP2000, XTS3000, P1215, BPR20, XPR6500, MT2000, PRO9150, CP300, XU2600, PR860, CP110, RMV2080, GTX, RDU4103d, CT450, XPR7580, MTX838, APX6000LI, VL50, HT1550XLS, XV4100, PRO5550, CP185, RDV5100, EP450, XTS2500, P110, APX900, XPR6380, MT1500, PRO7750, CP250, XU2100, PR400, CP100, RMU2080d, GTI, RDU4100, CT250, XPR7550, MTX8250LS, APX6000, PRO5450, CP160, VL130, HT1550, XV2600, RDV2080d, EP350, XTS2250, MTX950, APX8000XE, XPR6350, MAG ONE, PRO7550, CP240, XU1100, PR1500, CP040, RMU2080, GP9000, RDU2080d, CT150, XPR7380, MTX8250, APX4000LI
RLN4764A, RLN4764
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$1460 $500
The Command Tac CTEM-4764 is a Clear Medium Left Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The CTEM-4764 Earpiece is compatible with the PMLN6129, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This  CTEM-4764 Earpiece  is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsXPR6550, EP350, MTX950, APX8000XE, XU4100, MAG ONE, PRO7550, CP240, PR1500, CP040, XTN446, GP9000, XPR3300, CT150, MTX8250, APX4000LI, CP150, XTS3000, HT1250LS+, PRO5350, XPR6500, DTR650, MTX9250, APX8000 , XU2600, LTS 2000, PRO7450, CP220, P1325, CLS1410, XPR7580, GP900, SP50, CP88, XV4100, MTX8000, APX4000, PRO5150, CP140, XTS2500, HT1250LS, XPR6380, DTR550, MTX9000, APX7000XE, XU2100, JT1000, PRO7350, CP200XLS, P1225LS, CLS1110, XPR7550, GP350, APX3000, SP21, CP450-LS, XV2600, MTX-LS, PRO3150, CP125, XTS2250, HT1250, XPR6350, DTR410, MTX850LS, APX7000, XU1100, HT750LS, PRO7150, CP200d, P1225, BPR40, XPR7380, GP300, MTS2000, APX1000, SP10, CP450, XV2100, PRO2150, CP120, XTS1500, HT1000, XPR6300, CT450·LS, MTX850, APX6000XE, XTS5000, HT750, PRO5750, CP200, P1215, BPR20, XPR7350, GP2000, XV1400, MT2000, PRO9150, CP300, PR860, CP110, XTN600, GTX, XPR6100, CT450, MTX838, APX6000LI, XTS4250, HT1550XLS, PRO5550, CP185, EP450, P110, APX900, XPR6580, XV1100, MT1500, PRO7750, CP250, PR400, CP100, XTN500, GTI, XPR3500, CT250, MTX8250LS, APX6000, XTS3500, HT1550, PRO5450, CP160
RLN4765A, RLN4765
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$1460 $500
Command Tac CTEM-4765 Large Custom Earpiece . The CTEM-4765 is a Clear Large Left Earpiece. It is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is ideal for low noise environments. Two Way Radio Supply Brand CTEM-4765 Earpiece is compatible with the PMLN7158, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire) that use an acoustical clear tube. This  CTEM-4765 Earpiece is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsXV1400, PRO5150, CP125, SP50, HT1250, RDV Series, DTR410, XTN600, MTX9000, APX7000, XPR6100, HT750LS, PRO7350, CP200d, XTS4250, P1225LS, BPR40, RMU2040, GP300, MTS2000, APX1000, RDU2020, CP450, XPR6580, XV1100, PRO3150, CP120, SP21, HT1000, RDU4163d, CT450·LS, XTN500, MTX850LS, APX6000XE, XPR3500, HT750, PRO7150, CP200, XTS3500, P1225, BPR20, RMM2050, GP2000, XPR6550, MT2000, RDU Series, CP300, XU4100, PRO2150, CP110, SP10, GTX, RDU4160d, CT450, XTN446, MTX850, APX6000LI, XPR3300, HT1550XLS, PRO5750, CP185, EP450, XTS3000, P1215, APX900, RDX Series, XPR6500, MT1500, PRO9150, CP250, XU2600, PR860, CP100, RMV2080, GTI, RDU4103d, CT250, XPR7580, MTX8250LS, APX6000, VL50, HT1550, XV4100, PRO5550, CP160, RDV5100, EP350, XTS2500, P110, APX8000XE, XPR6380, MAG ONE, PRO7750, CP240, XU2100, PR400, CP040, RMU2080d, GP9000, RDU4100, CT150, XPR7550, MTX8250, APX4000LI, VL130, HT1250LS+, XV2600, PRO5450, CP150, RDV2080d, DTR650, XTS2250, MTX950, APX8000 , XPR6350, LTS 2000, PRO7550, CP220, XU1100, PR1500, CLS1410, RMU2080, GP900, RDU2080d, CP88, XPR7380, MTX8000, APX4000, PRO5350, CP140, SRX2200, HT1250LS, XV2100, RDV2020, DTR550, XTS1500, MTX9250, APX7000XE, XPR6300, JT1000, PRO7450, CP200XLS, XTS5000, P1325, CLS1110, RMU2043, GP350, RDU2023, CP450-LS, XPR7350, MTX-LS, APX3000
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$2530 $1590
The CTL-4620 is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Receive Only 3.5mm plug that will fit any Remote Speaker Mic or Public Safety Mic that has the 3.5mm accessory port. D Style Comfort Ear Piece, L Shape 3.5mm plug
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Ear Piece StyleD Style Ear Piece
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$3680 $2400
The CTS-4606 is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Two Wire Kit. The CTS-4606 comes with Mini PTT, Clothing Clip, Acoustical Coiled Tube and Can be worn with either ear. Allows transmission without removing the radio from the holster. Great ear piece for the Hospitality, Restaurant and Retail business's
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
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The DTR550 Battery, Lithium Ion (Li-Ion), 1700 Milliamps, 3.6 Volts and has 6.8 Wh. Our Brand DTR550 Battery will out preform the OEM due to greater running milliamps. Why pay more with OEM, buy ours and get more and pay less
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsDTR550
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$7040 $5500
Our  DTR550  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DTR550  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$7900 $3750
Our  ESM-20-MT1 Remote Speaker Mic by Endura is made with quality. Our  ESM-20-MT1 Radio Mic provides Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Great Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a One Year Warranty
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable TypeCoiled Cable
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$2760 $2600
The HKLN4604B is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original One Wire Kit. The HKLN4604B comes with Mini PTT, 2 Clothing Clips, Soft Rubber C Shape, Swivel Ear Speaker, Can be worn with either ear. Allows transmission without removing the radio from the holster. Great ear piece for the Hospitality, Restaurant and Retail business's
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleOver the Ear Swivel
M1-GRSM-HD1 Radio Speaker Mic
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$6380 $4400
Impact   M1-GRSM-HD1 Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Impact   M1-GRSM-HD1  Radio Mic  provides Splash Proof, Kevlar Re-enforced Coiled Cable, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$8910 $5790
IMPACT M1-PRSM-HD2-NC Remote Speaker Mic is made for High Noise Areas in Mind. IMPACT M1-PRSM-HD2-NC Radio Mic provides Professional Grade, Noise Cancelling, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$7040 $5500
IMPACT   M1-PRSM-HD3 Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  IMPACT   M1-PRSM-HD3  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment, with the look of OEM
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$9457 $7540
IMPACT   M1-PRSM-HD3-WP Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality standards for Submersibility.  IMPACT  M1-PRSM-HD3-WP  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, IP67 Rated, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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IMPACT   M1-PRSM-HD6-WP Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  IMPACT M1-PRSM-HD6-WP Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade. Designed for Public Safety, Military, Security and other demanding applications. The  M1-PRSM-HD6-WP  Features Submersible Rating (IP67), Push Anywhere Multi Contact Military Style PTT, Military Standard Rated (Mil-Std 810),Heavy Duty Anchored Kevlar Coiled Cable, Hi/Lo Push Volume Button, Rotational Clothing Clip, Superior Audio, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
M1-PRSM-HD7-WP Radio Speaker Mic
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IMPACT   M1-PRSM-HD7-WP Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  IMPACT M1-PRSM-HD7-WP Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade. Designed for Public Safety, Military, Security and other demanding applications. The  M1-PRSM-HD7-WP  Features Submersible Waterproof Rating (IP68), Military Standard Rated (Mil-Std 810),Heavy Duty Anchored Kevlar Coiled Cable, Hi/Lo Volume Switch, Rotational Clothing Clip, Superior Audio, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$8940 $7500
IMPACT   M1-PRSM-HD9-WP Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality standards for Submersibility.  IMPACT  M1-PRSM-HD9-WP  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, IP67 Rated, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
CTLN9985WP-MO Waterproof Bag
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$3300 $2000
Motorola Waterproof Radio Bag This Command Tac Waterproof Bag is our brand version that goes head to head against OEM brand. Our Waterproof Radio Bag comes with Denier Black Nylon Strap for easy carry (Very Comfortable to wear), Easy Lobster Push Gate Clip and Re-inforced Metal Grommets. Great alternative for radios that are in bad weather elements or not submersible. Our CTLN9985WP is made to handle all size radios with long antennas. Our Motorola Waterproof Radio Bag is mainly used for rain and snow protection, not meant for complete submersion for extended time.
SKUCTLN9985WP-MO OEM Brand RadioMotorola
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The NNTN4655B is Li-Ion Battery, 1700 Milliamps, 3.6 Volts and has 6.8 Wh. Our Brand NNTN4655B will out preform the OEM due to greater running milliamps. Why pay more with OEM, buy ours and get more and pay less
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsMTH800, DTR610, MTH650, DTR510, DTR620, DTR410, DTR650, DTR550
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The NNTN6923A is Li-Ion Battery, 1700 Milliamps, 3.6 Volts and has 6.8 Wh. Our Brand NNTN6923A will out preform the OEM due to greater running milliamps. Why pay more with OEM, buy ours and get more and pay less
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsDTR650, DTR620, DTR610, DTR550, DTR510, MTH650, MTH800, DTR410
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$2995 $2400
The PMLN4606A is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Two Wire Kit. The PMLN4606A comes with Mini PTT, Clothing Clip, Acoustical Coiled Tube and Can be worn with either ear. Allows transmission without removing the radio from the holster. Great ear piece for the Hospitality, Resturant and Retail business's
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
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$2530 $1590
The PMLN4620B is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Receive Only 3.5mm plug that will fit any Remote Speaker Mic or Public Safety Mic that has the 3.5mm accessory port. D Style Comfort Ear Piece, L Shape 3.5mm plug
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Ear Piece StyleD Style Ear Piece
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$7900 $4200
Our PMMN4013A Remote Speaker Mic is made with the cost saving buyer in mind without sacrificing quality. Our PMMN4013A Radio Mic provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Great Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a One Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment, with the look of OEM. Command Tac the new name in communications
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable TypeCoiled Cable
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$9457 $7540
Our  PMMN4029A Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  PMMN4029A  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade,  IP67 Rated (Submersible up to 1 Meter for 30 Minutes) , Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip,  Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port  and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment, with the look of OEM
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$2000 $500
RLN4760A : The  Motorola RLN4760A  is a Clear Small Right Earpiece. The Earpiece  is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The RLN4760A Earpiece is compatible with the NTN8371A, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This RLN4760A Earpiece   is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits.
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsAPX4000, CP125, MTX950, DTR410, XU2600, XPR6550, RDU2020, PRO5750, CP100, APX8000XE, JT1000, MT1500, CP450-LS, VL130, GP350, XTS2250, APX8000 , P1215, PR860, CP150, RDV5100, XTS4250, HT750LS, RMU2080, XU4100, APX4000LI, CP220, MTX8000, DTR550, XPR6580, RDU2080d, PRO7150, CP110, RDU2023, LTS 2000, MT2000, CP88, XTN446, GP900, XTS2500, XPR6100, P1225, PR1500, CP160, RDX Series, PRO2150, HT1250, RMU2080d, DTR650, XV1100, APX6000, CP240, MTX8250, XPR7350, RDU4100, PRO7350, CP140, RDU4103d, PR400, MTS2000, CT150, XTN500, GP9000, XTS3000, XPR6300, P1225LS, PRO5150, RMV2080, CP185, SP10, HT1250LS, EP350, XV1400, APX6000LI, CP300, MTX8250LS, XPR7380, RDU4160d, PRO7450, BPR20, RDU4163d, CLS1110, MTX838, CT250, XTN600, GTI, XTS3500, XPR6350, P1325, PRO5350, HT1250LS+, XV4100, CP200, SP21, EP450, XV2100, APX6000XE, GTX, MTX9000, XPR7550, RDV Series, PRO7550, CP040, RMM2050, APX1000, CLS1410, MTX850, CT450, XU1100, PRO5450, HT750, XTS5000, XPR6380, PRO3150, HT1550, XPR3300, CP250, SP50, GP2000, XV2600, APX7000, MAG ONE, MTX9250, XPR7580, RDV2020, PRO7750, CP200d, RMU2040, APX3000, CP120, MTX850LS, CT450·LS, XU2100, RDU Series, PRO5550, HT1000, APX900, XPR6500, HT1550XLS, XPR3500, CP450, VL50, GP300, XTS1500, APX7000XE, P110, MTX-LS, BPR40, RDV2080d, PRO9150, CP200XLS, RMU2043
RLN4761A, RLN4761
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$2000 $500
RLN4761A Earpiece : The  Motorola RLN4761A  is a Clear Medium Right Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece   is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The RLN4761A Earpiece is compatible with the NTN8371A, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This RLN4761A Earpiece   is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsPRO7750, APX4000, CP140, RMU2043, CT450·LS, RDU2020, XPR6500, JT1000, MTX900, GP339, XU2100, GP9000, APX8000XE, CP450, P1215, PRO5550, GP2000, RDV5100, APX8000 , HT750LS, MT1500, BPR40, CP220, MTX-LS, GP640, XTS1500, RDU2080d, PRO9150, APX4000LI, BPR20, RMU2080, DTR410, XPR6550, LTS 2000, MTX950, GP340, XU2600, GTI, RDU2023, CP450-LS, P1225, PRO5750, GP300, RDX Series, SRX2200, HT1250, MT2000, CP150, CP240, PR860, GP650, XTS2250, DTR550, RDU4100, XTS4250, APX6000, CP040, RMU2080d, XPR6580, PR400, MTX8000, GP344, XU4100, HT750, RDU4103d, CP88, P1225LS, PRO7150, GP320, XTN446, XPR6100, HT1250LS, MTS2000, XTS3000, CP160, CP300, PR1500, GP68, DTR650, RDU4160d, APX6000LI, CP200d, RMV2080, XPR7350, CLS1110, MTX8250, GP350, XV1100, HT1000, RDU4163d, CT150, P1325, PRO7350, GP328, XTN500, XPR6300, HT1250LS+, MTX838, GP680, XTS3500, CP185, GP280, PRO5150, EP350, RDV Series, APX6000XE, CP200XLS, XV4100, XPR7380, CLS1410, MTX8250LS, GP360, XV1400, APX1000, CP100, RMM2050, CT250, PRO3150, PRO7450, MTX850, GP328+, XTN600, XPR6350, HT1550, GP88, XTS5000, CP200, GTX, PRO5350, EP450, RDV2020, APX7000, GP329, XPR3300, XPR7550, CP120, MTX9000, GP388, XV2100, APX3000, CP110, RMU2040, CT450, RDU Series, PRO7550, HT1550XLS, MTX850LS, GP338, XU1100, XPR6380, GP900, APX900, CP250, P110, PRO5450, GP1280, RDV2080d, APX7000XE, GP1200, XPR3500, XPR7580, CP125, MTX9250, GP600, XV2600
RLN4762A, RLN4762
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$2000 $500
RLN4762A Earpiece : The Motorola RLN4762A is a Clear Large Right Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece   is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The RLN4762A Earpiece is compatible with the NTN8371A, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This  RLN4762A Earpiece  is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsGP900, PR860, XPR6500, JT1000, PRO9150, APX8000XE, P1225LS, XTS3000, CP200, RDX Series, CT450, XPR3300, HT1550XLS, PRO5750, CP125, RDU4160d, APX6000, MTX9000, XTN446, MTX8250LS, MT1500, XU4100, CP300, SP10, RDU Series, GP9000, PRO2150, XPR6550, CLS1110, APX900, P1325, XTS3500, CP200d, RMM2050, CT450·LS, XPR3500, PRO7150, APX1000, RDU4163d, APX6000LI, MTX9250, XTN500, HT1000, MT2000, XV1100, CP450, SP21, CLS1410, RDU2020, GTI, PRO3150, XPR6580, BPR20, PR1500, XTS4250, CP200XLS, RMU2040, DTR410, XPR6100, PRO7350, CP140, RDV Series, APX6000XE, MTX950, XTN600, SP50, HT1250, MTS2000, XV1400, CP450-LS, CP040, RDU2023, GTX, PRO5150, XPR7350, BPR40, PR400, XTS5000, EP450, RMU2043, DTR550, XPR6300, MTX838, PRO7450, CP150, RDV2020, APX7000, P110, XTS1500, CP88, SRX2200, HT1250LS, MTX-LS, XV2100, CP100, RDU2080d, APX3000, PRO5350, XPR7380, MTX8000, XU1100, CP220, RMU2080, GP300, DTR650, XPR6350, HT750, PRO7550, XTS2250, CP160, RDV2080d, APX7000XE, P1215, CT150, VL130, HT1250LS+, PRO5450, XV2600, CP110, RDU4100, APX4000, MTX850, XPR7550, GP2000, LTS 2000, XU2100, CP240, RMU2080d, GP350, EP350, XPR6380, HT750LS, PRO7750, P1225, XTS2500, CP185, RDV5100, APX8000 , CT250, VL50, HT1550, PRO5550, XV4100, CP120, RDU4103d, APX4000LI, MTX850LS, XPR7580, MTX8250, MAG ONE, XU2600, CP250, RMV2080
RLN4763A, RLN4763
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$2000 $500
RLN4763A Earpiece The  Motorola RLN4763A  is a Clear Small Left Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The RLN4763A Earpiece is compatible with the RLN5882, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This  RLN4763A Earpiece  is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsHT1250, MTX8250LS, XPR6500, CP240, PRO9150, APX8000XE, PR400, XTS3000, DTR650, RDX Series, PRO5750, XPR3300, CP160, CT250, RDU4160d, APX6000, P110, XTN446, CP100, HT1550XLS, XU4100, GP9000, SP10, RDU Series, HT1250LS, MTX838, XPR6550, CP250, APX900, PR860, XTS3500, EP350, RMM2050, MT2000, XPR3500, CP185, APX1000, RDU4163d, APX6000LI, P1215, XTN500, CP110, HT750, XV1100, GTI, SP21, CP300, RDU2020, HT1250LS+, MTX850, XPR6580, BPR20, PRO2150, XTS4250, EP450, RMU2040, MTS2000, XPR6100, CP200, PRO7350, CT450, RDV Series, APX6000XE, P1225, XTN600, SP50, CP120, HT750LS, XV1400, CP450, RDU2023, HT1550, MTX850LS, XPR7350, BPR40, PRO3150, XTS5000, GP2000, RMU2043, MTX-LS, XPR6300, CP200d, PRO7450, CT450·LS, RDV2020, APX7000, P1225LS, XTS1500, PRO7150, SRX2200, CP125, JT1000, XV2100, CP450-LS, RDU2080d, APX3000, MTX9000, XPR7380, CLS1110, PRO5150, XU1100, GP300, RMU2080, GTX, MTX8000, XPR6350, CP200XLS, PRO7550, XTS2250, DTR410, RDV2080d, APX7000XE, P1325, PRO5450, VL130, CP140, LTS 2000, XV2600, CP88, RDU4100, APX4000, MTX9250, XPR7550, CLS1410, PRO5350, XU2100, GP350, RMU2080d, HT1000, MTX8250, XPR6380, CP220, PRO7750, PR1500, XTS2500, DTR550, RDV5100, APX8000 , PRO5550, VL50, CP150, MAG ONE, XV4100, CT150, RDU4103d, APX4000LI, MTX950, XPR7580, CP040, MT1500, XU2600, GP900, RMV2080
RLN4764A, RLN4764
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$2000 $500
The  Motorola RLN4764A  is a Clear Medium Left Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The RLN4764A Earpiece is compatible with the PMLN6129, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This  RLN4764A Earpiece  is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits.
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsDTR650, HT750, XV1400, CP185, PRO9150, PR400, CT450·LS, CP250, XPR7350, MT1500, XTS5000, MTX8000, BPR40, CP100, XPR6300, PRO7150, CT250, MTX950, APX7000, MT2000, XTS1500, SP10, EP350, HT750LS, XV2100, CP160, PR1500, APX3000, CP240, XPR7380, MAG ONE, XU1100, GP900, CP040, XPR6350, PRO5350, CP220, JT1000, APX7000XE, PRO5750, XTS2250, CP150, SP21, EP450, CT450, XV2600, P1325, APX4000, XPR7550, LTS 2000, XU2100, HT1250LS, GP350, CLS1410, XPR6380, PRO5150, CP200XLS, XTS2500, MTX850, APX8000 , PRO5550, CP140, SP50, GP2000, CP450, XV4100, P1225LS, APX4000LI, HT1250LS+, XPR7580, XU2600, CP200, GP300, CLS1110, XPR6500, PRO3150, GP9000, PRO5450, XTS3000, MTX838, APX8000XE, CP125, XPR3300, PRO7550, CP450-LS, P1225, APX6000, MTX-LS, XTN446, DTR410, HT1550, XU4100, CP200d, CP300, HT1250, XPR6550, PRO2150, GTI, MTX9000, XTS3500, MTX8250LS, APX900, CP120, XPR3500, PRO7450, CP88, P1215, APX6000LI, MTX9250, XTN500, DTR550, HT1550XLS, XV1100, APX1000, PRO7750, GTX, HT1000, XPR6580, PR860, MTX850LS, XTS4250, MTX8250, BPR20, CP110, XPR6100, PRO7350, CT150, P110, APX6000XE, MTS2000, XTN600
RLN4765A, RLN4765
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$2000 $500
The  Motorola RLN4765A  is a Clear Large Left Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece  is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The RLN4765A Earpiece is compatible with the PMLN7158, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This  RLN4765A Earpiece  is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits.
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsMTX8000, CP150, RDX Series, PRO7450, CP220, PR1500, APX6000XE, XTS3500, XPR6350, DTR650, VL130, HT1250LS+, PRO5350, RDU Series, JT1000, CT150, MTX950, APX1000, XTN500, RDU4100, BPR40, XV1100, XPR7550, GP9000, CP240, MTX8250, CP040, RDV5100, PRO7550, APX7000, XTS4250, XPR6380, EP350, SP10, HT1550, PRO5450, XPR6300, LTS 2000, CT250, P110, APX3000, XTN600, RDU4103d, CLS1110, XV1400, XPR7580, GTI, PRO7750, CP250, MTX8250LS, CP100, RDV2080d, XPR3500, APX7000XE, XTS5000, XPR6500, EP450, RMU2080d, HT1550XLS, PRO5550, PR400, MAG ONE, CT450, P1215, APX4000, XTS1500, GTX, RDU4160d, RMU2080, XV2100, RDU2023, PRO9150, CP300, MTX850, CP110, RDV2020, XPR6100, APX8000 , XU1100, XPR6550, GP2000, RMV2080, HT750, PRO5750, CP200, MT1500, CT450·LS, P1225, APX4000LI, XTS2250, SP21, HT1000, RMU2043, XV2600, PR860, CP450, MTX850LS, CP120, RDV Series, XPR3300, APX8000XE, XU2100, XPR6580, GP300, PRO2150, CP185, CLS1410, PRO7150, CP200d, XTS2500, MT2000, DTR410, P1225LS, APX6000, SP50, HT1250, RMU2040, XV4100, MTS2000, CP450-LS, MTX9000, CP125, RDU4163d, VL50, APX900, XU2600, XPR7350, GP350, MTX-LS, CP160, RMM2050, PRO7350, CP200XLS, APX6000LI, XTS3000, XTN446, DTR550, P1325, SRX2200, HT1250LS, PRO5150, RDU2020, HT750LS, CP88, MTX9250, CP140, PRO3150, RDU2080d, BPR20, XU4100, XPR7380, GP900
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$4990 $2995
The RLN6282A Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. Comes as a 50 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's. RLN6282
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsXV1100, GP2000, MT1000, SP21, APX8000 , CT450, P110, GP680, XPR6580, CP120, PRO5550, EP350, RDV Series, GP329, HT1250LS+, XTS4250, BPR40, PR860, APX6000LI, GP360, XPR6100, GP300, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, XTN600, CP200d, PRO9150, CT450·LS, XV1400, GP2100, HT1550XLS, SP50, APX8000XE, P1215, GP88, XPR7350, CP125, PRO5750, EP450, HT750LS, RDV2020, HT1550, XTS5000, CLS1110, PRO2150, APX6000XE, GP388, XPR6300, GP280, GTX800, XTS1500, CP200XLS, RDU Series, APX900, DTR410, XV2100, DTR650, HT6000, SRX2200, P1225, GP900, XPR7380, CP140, PRO7150, GP1200, JT1000, RDV2080d, GP338, DTR550, XU1100, CLS1410, PRO3150, GP600, XPR6350, RDU2020, GP308, GTX900, XTS2250, CP200·XLS, P1225LS, XV2600, APX3000, HT750, VL130, CP300, GP9000, XPR7550, CP150, PRO7350, GP1280, LTS 2000, RDV5100, GP339, CP88, XU2100, CP040, PRO5150, GP640, XPR6380, CP220, RDU2080d, GP320, HT1000, XTS2500, BPR20, P1325, XV4100, APX4000, GP340, VL50, CP450, GTI, XPR7580, CP160, PRO7450, MAG ONE, RDX Series, APX7000, CT150, XU2600, XPR6500, CP100, PRO5350, P040, GP650, CP240, RDU4100, GP328, HT1250, XTS3000, APX1000, PR1500, APX4000LI, GP344, XPR3300, GTX, XTN446, CP185, PRO7550, MOBIUS, SP10, APX7000XE, CT250, XU4100, GP68, XPR6550, CP110, PRO5450, P080, CP450-LS, CP250, RDU4160d, GP328+, HT1250LS, XTS3500, BPR40, PR400, APX6000, GP350, XPR3500, GTX LTR Portable, XTN500, CP200, PRO7750
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SM400-M1 features a standard 3.5mm port to connect a listen only earpiece. Heavy duty speaker microphone Compact design 3.5mm listen only port 2 1/4" wide, 3" tall High stress swivel belt clip 20" Coiled cord RoHS compliant OEM packaging 1 year warranty
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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