CLS1410 Radio

We offer a complete line of solutions for the CLS1410 Radio.

We stock a wide range of high-quality accessories like batteries, single and multi-unit chargers, antennas, headsets and more. All to help you communicate with the rest of your team. OUR CLS1410 parts are designed and built to uphold a high industry standard for dependability and excellence in performance.

Shop here. Your number one trusted source for top-quality two-way radio accessories at the BEST Prices.

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The 5080370E97 Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. The 5080370E97 comes as a 25 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsLTS 2000, CP200d, VL50, GP340, RDU4160d, GP1200, XTS3000, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, BPR40, XPR6550, GP388, P110, CP300, XU4100, HT1250LS+, CP120, SP10, GP308, GP680, APX6000, P1325, CT450, JT1000, CP200, GP339, RDU4100, EP450, XTS2500, GTX LTR Portable, BPR20, XPR6500, P080, CP250, XU2600, HT1250LS, CP110, RDX Series, GP300, XPR7580, APX4000LI, CT250, HT750LS, CP185, GP338, RDU2080d, EP350, XTS2250, GTX, APX8000 , XPR6380, P040, CP240, XU2100, HT1250, CP100, RDV5100, GP280, XPR7550, GP68, APX4000, CT150, XV2600, HT750, CP160, VL130, GP329, RDU2020, DTR650, XTS1500, GTI, APX7000XE, XPR6350, GP360, MT1000, CP220, RDV2080d, GP2100, XU1100, HT1000, CP040, XPR7380, GP650, APX3000, P1225LS, CP88, XV2100, HT6000, CP150, SRX2200, GP328+, RDU Series, DTR550, XTN600, GP9000, APX7000, XPR6300, GP350, MOBIUS, CP200·XLS, RDV2020, GP2000, XTS5000, GTX900, CLS1410, XPR7350, GP640, APX1000, P1225, CP450-LS, XV1400, HT1550XLS, CP140, SP50, GP328, PRO3150, DTR410, XTN500, GP900, APX6000XE, MAG ONE, CP200XLS, XPR6100, GP344, RDV Series, GP1280, XTS3500, GTX800, CLS1110, XPR6580, GP600, P1215, CP450, XV1100, HT1550, CP125, SP21, GP320, PR400, CT450·LS, XTN446, GP88, APX6000LI
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The 5080386B90 Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. Comes as a 25 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsGP68, XPR6100, GP328, APX3000, P1325, GP328+, CP240, XTN600, CP040, XV2100, HT6000, SP10, CP125, CP185, XPR7350, EP350, APX7000, XU1100, RDU4160d, CT250, GP680, XPR6300, GP9000, APX1000, GP900, PR400, JT1000, CP250, XTS1500, GP344, CLS1410, XV2600, HT750, SP21, HT1000, CP200, XPR7380, EP450, APX6000XE, CT450, P080, XU2100, RDV Series, GP88, XPR6350, GTI, CLS1110, GP2100, PRO3150, HT1250, CP300, XTS2250, GP350, APX6000LI, HT750LS, SP50, HT1250LS, CP200d, XPR7550, GP1200, CT450·LS, P040, XU2600, RDV2020, P110, GP339, XPR6380, GTX, BPR40, GP280, RDU Series, GTX800, CP450, XTS2500, GP360, APX6000, GP329, SRX2200, GP1280, P1215, HT1250LS+, CP200XLS, XPR7580, DTR410, MT1000, XU4100, MAG ONE, RDV2080d, CP140, GP340, XPR6500, GP640, BPR20, GP300, RDU2020, CP450-LS, XTS3000, GP388, APX4000LI, GP338, VL130, GP2000, P1225, GTX LTR Portable, CP200·XLS, XTN446, MOBIUS, XV1100, HT1550, RDV5100, CP110, CP150, XPR6550, DTR550, APX8000 , GP308, RDU2080d, GTX900, CP88, XTS3500, GP650, VL50, GP600, APX4000, P1225LS, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, CP220, XTN500, CP100, XV1400, HT1550XLS, RDX Series, CP120, CP160, XPR6580, DTR650, APX7000XE, GP320, RDU4100, LTS 2000, CT150, XTS5000
Motorola 56557
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$5267 $3450
This 56557 has 1600mAh, 3.6 Volts, Li-Ion, and rated 5.76 Wh. The 56557 is replacing the motorola original battery. Our Replacement 56557 Batteries are a great price and a higher quality alternative to the Motorola Original. Our batteries are built to meet or Exceed Motorola OEM design on all features
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsCLS1114, CLS1410, CLS1413, CLS1418, CLS1450, CLS1100, VL50, CLS1110
The 67009254001 Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. Comes as a 10 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsRDU4160d, XTS2500, HT6000, GTI, GTX LTR Portable, CP450, VL50, GP320, APX4000LI, GP650, XV1400, XPR6100, CP125, RDX Series, GP1280, XPR7550, RDV2020, P040, GP344, APX8000 , CP200d, P1225LS, DTR410, XTS2250, HT750, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, CP300, RDU2020, GP328, APX4000, JT1000, GP68, XV2100, CP120, SP10, GP2000, CP040, RDV2080d, CT450, P1325, GP350, APX7000XE, CP200, DTR550, XTS1500, XPR7380, GTX800, CP250, RDU Series, GP328+, APX3000, LTS 2000, GP680, XV2600, CP110, SP21, GP2100, CLS1410, HT1550XLS, CT250, PR400, GP360, APX7000, XPR6500, CP185, XU2600, DTR650, XTN600, XPR7350, RDV Series, GTX900, CP240, GP329, APX1000, MAG ONE, GP88, CP100, HT1250LS+, CT150, SP50, GP280, CLS1110, MT1000, GP388, APX6000XE, XPR6380, CP160, XU2100, EP350, XTN500, XPR6580, P110, HT1000, CP220, PRO3150, GP338, BPR40, MOBIUS, GP900, RDU2080d, XTS3500, HT1550, CP88, SRX2200, GP300, APX6000LI, GP600, XU4100, XPR6350, CP150, XU1100, EP450, XTN446, XPR6550, P080, HT1250, CP200·XLS, P1215, GP339, BPR40, RDU4100, XTS3000, HT750LS, GP9000, GTX, CP450-LS, VL130, GP308, APX6000, GP640, XV1100, XPR6300, CP140, XTS5000, GP1200, XPR7580, RDV5100, CT450·LS, HT1250LS, CP200XLS, P1225, GP340, BPR20
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$27600 $21995
Our BDN6648C Headset features Behind-the-Head Style, Noise Cancelling Mic, Velcro overhead Strap for under helmet use, Padded Ear Cups, Comfortable Foam Ear Pad, Flexible Boom Mic, PTT Button on Ear Cup, 270° Rotatable Boom Mic. 12 month warranty
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsCT150, Mag One, XTN600, RMU2040, CP1300, CP300, P1215, GP300, CP040, XV2100, GP280, RDV5100, PRO3150, CP200, CT250, P040, XU1100, RMU2043, CP140, CP450, GP68, XTN446, CP080, XV2600, RMU2080, RMM2050, RDU2020, CP200d, XU2100, CT450, P080, SP50+, PR400, CP150, CP450-LS, GP88, XTN Series, CP100, XV4100, RMU2080d, P1325, RDU2023, CP200XLS, BPR20, XU2600, CT450LS, GP308, CP160, CP476, GTI, VL50, CP110, RMV2080, P1225, RDU2080d, CP220, BPR40, XU4100, EP350, RDU4160d, CP1600, CP477, GTX, VL130, CP120, SP10, CP240, P1225 LS, RDU4100, CLS1110, XV1100, EP450, SP50, RDU4163d, CP1660, CP88, LTS2000, XTN500, CP125, SP21, CP250, P110, RDU4103d, CLS1410, XV1400, GP2000, RDV2080d, RDV2020, CP185
CLS 1410 Radio Speaker Mic
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$4495 $3595
Our  CLS  1410  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Cost Savings in Mind.  Our  CLS  1410  Radio Mic  provides Swivel Clothing Clip, and a 1 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Product TypeSpeaker Mics
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$7040 $5500
Our  CLS 1410  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  CLS 1410  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
CLS1410 Radio Speaker Mic
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$7900 $4200
Our CLS1410 Remote Speaker Mic comes with the best pricing without giving up quality. Our CLS1410 Radio Mic features Coiled Cord, Swivel Clothing Clip, and a 1 Year Warranty.
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable TypeCoiled Cable
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$897 $600
The CTAT-6242 is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Acoustical Earpiece. The CTAT-6242 features Acoustical Tube, Coiled, Mushroom Tip and Use with either ear. The CTAT-6242 Replacement ear tube will fit many surveillance kits, partial list below. The Acoustical Tube is made to fit Motorola Original earpieces and may fit others
Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube Fits Radio ModelsCP200·XLS, XPR6350, PRO5350, PRO7450, APX8000 , RDV2020, MTX850LS, EP450, XTS2250, P1325, HT1550, XV4100, CP150, VL130, MTX-LS, CP88, XPR7550, APX4000LI, RDU2080d, GTI, XU2600, CP040, RMU2080, P1215, CP220, XPR6380, PRO5450, PRO7550, APX8000XE, RDV2080d, MTX9000, GP2000, XTS2500, PR1500, HT1550XLS, CP160, VL50, MTX8000, CT150, XPR7580, APX6000, RDU4100, P1225, GTX, XU4100, CP100, RMU2080d, CP240, XPR6500, PRO5550, PRO7750, APX900, RDV5100, MTX9250, GP280, XTS3000, PR400, HT750, CP185, XPR3300, MTX8250, CT250, XTN446, APX6000LI, RDU4103d, MAG ONE, HT1000, XV1100, CP110, RMV2080, CP250, XPR6550, PRO5750, PRO9150, BPR20, RDX Series, MTX950, GP300, XTS3500, PR860, HT750LS, CP200, XPR3500, APX6000XE, RDU4160d, MTX8250LS, CT450, XTN500, PRO7150, HT1250, XV1400, CP120, SP10, MT1500, CP300, XPR6580, APX1000, RDU Series, BPR40, RMM2050, P040, GP308, XTS5000, PRO3150, JT1000, CP200d, XPR6100, APX7000, RDU4163d, MTX838, CT450·LS, XTN600, PRO7350, HT1250LS, XV2100, CP125, SP21, MT2000, CP450, XPR7350, APX3000, RDU2020, CLS1110, RMU2040, P080, GP68, XU1100, CP200XLS, XPR6300, PRO5150, LTS 2000, APX7000XE, RDV Series, MTX850, EP350, XTS1500, P1225LS, HT1250LS+, XV2600, CP140, SP50, MTS2000, CP450-LS, XPR7380, APX4000, RDU2023, CLS1410, RMU2043, P110, GP88, XU2100
Motorola SNN5571A
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$5267 $2900
This CTB-5571 has 1600mAh, 3.6 Volts, Li-Ion. Our Brand CTB-5571 is replacing the motorola original battery. Our Replacement CTB-5571 Batteries are a great price and a higher quality alternative to the Motorola Original. Our batteries are built to meet or Exceed Motorola OEM design on all features
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsCLS1413, CLS1418, CLS1450, CLS1100, VL50, CLS1110, CLS1114, CLS1410
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$1460 $500
CTEM-4760: The  Motorola CTEM-4760 is a Clear Small Right Earpiece. The Earpiece  is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The CTEM-4760 Earpiece is compatible with the NTN8371A, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This CTEM-4760 Earpiece   is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits.
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsHT1000, APX900, XPR6500, RDU Series, PRO5550, HT1550XLS, XPR3500, CP450, VL50, GP300, XTS1500, APX7000XE, P110, MTX-LS, BPR40, RDV2080d, PRO9150, CP200XLS, RMU2043, APX4000, CP125, MTX950, DTR410, XU2600, PRO5750, CP100, APX8000XE, XPR6550, RDU2020, JT1000, MT1500, CP450-LS, VL130, GP350, XTS2250, APX8000 , P1215, PR860, CP150, RDV5100, XTS4250, HT750LS, RMU2080, APX4000LI, CP220, MTX8000, DTR550, XU4100, RDU2080d, PRO7150, CP110, RDU2023, XPR6580, LTS 2000, MT2000, CP88, XTN446, GP900, XTS2500, XPR6100, P1225, PR1500, CP160, RDX Series, PRO2150, HT1250, RMU2080d, APX6000, CP240, MTX8250, DTR650, XV1100, XPR7350, RDU4100, PRO7350, CP140, RDU4103d, PR400, MTS2000, CT150, XTN500, GP9000, XTS3000, XPR6300, P1225LS, PRO5150, CP185, SP10, HT1250LS, RMV2080, XV1400, APX6000LI, CP300, MTX8250LS, EP350, XPR7380, RDU4160d, PRO7450, BPR20, RDU4163d, CLS1110, MTX838, CT250, XTN600, GTI, XTS3500, XPR6350, P1325, PRO5350, CP200, SP21, HT1250LS+, XV4100, EP450, XV2100, APX6000XE, GTX, MTX9000, XPR7550, RDV Series, PRO7550, CP040, RMM2050, APX1000, CLS1410, MTX850, CT450, XU1100, HT750, XTS5000, XPR6380, PRO3150, PRO5450, XPR3300, CP250, SP50, HT1550, GP2000, XV2600, APX7000, MAG ONE, MTX9250, XPR7580, RDV2020, PRO7750, CP200d, RMU2040, APX3000, CP120, MTX850LS, CT450·LS, XU2100
RLN4761A, RLN4761
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$1460 $500
CTEM-4761 Earpiece : The  Motorola CTEM-4761 is a Clear Medium Right Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece   is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The CTEM-4761 Earpiece is compatible with the NTN8371A, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This CTEM-4761 Earpiece   is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsGP338, XU1100, XPR6380, HT1550XLS, MTX850LS, GP900, APX900, CP250, P110, PRO5450, GP1280, RDV2080d, APX7000XE, GP1200, XPR3500, XPR7580, CP125, MTX9250, GP600, XV2600, APX4000, CP140, RMU2043, CT450·LS, RDU2020, PRO7750, MTX900, GP339, XU2100, XPR6500, JT1000, GP9000, APX8000XE, CP450, P1215, PRO5550, GP2000, RDV5100, APX8000 , HT750LS, MT1500, BPR40, CP220, MTX-LS, GP640, XTS1500, APX4000LI, BPR20, RMU2080, DTR410, RDU2080d, PRO9150, LTS 2000, MTX950, GP340, XU2600, XPR6550, GTI, RDU2023, CP450-LS, P1225, PRO5750, GP300, RDX Series, SRX2200, HT1250, MT2000, CP150, CP240, PR860, GP650, XTS2250, XTS4250, APX6000, CP040, RMU2080d, DTR550, RDU4100, XPR6580, PR400, MTX8000, GP344, XU4100, HT750, RDU4103d, CP88, P1225LS, PRO7150, GP320, XTN446, XPR6100, HT1250LS, MTS2000, CP160, CP300, PR1500, GP68, XTS3000, RDU4160d, APX6000LI, CP200d, RMV2080, DTR650, XPR7350, CLS1110, MTX8250, GP350, XV1100, HT1000, RDU4163d, CT150, P1325, PRO7350, GP328, XTN500, XPR6300, HT1250LS+, MTX838, CP185, GP280, PRO5150, GP680, XTS3500, EP350, RDV Series, APX6000XE, CP200XLS, XV4100, XPR7380, CLS1410, MTX8250LS, GP360, XV1400, APX1000, CP100, RMM2050, CT250, PRO3150, PRO7450, GP328+, XTN600, XPR6350, HT1550, MTX850, XTS5000, CP200, GTX, PRO5350, GP88, EP450, RDV2020, APX7000, GP329, XPR3300, XPR7550, CP120, MTX9000, GP388, XV2100, APX3000, CP110, RMU2040, CT450, RDU Series, PRO7550
RLN4762A, RLN4762
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$1460 $500
Command Tac CTEM-4762 Large Custom Earpiece . The CTEM-4762 is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. Two Way Radio Supply Brand CTEM-4762 Earpiece is compatible with the RLN6424, RLN4941, RLN6424 and PMLN7412 clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This CTEM-4762 Earpiece is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits with Acoustical Clear Tubes
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsRDV2020, DTR650, XTS1500, MTX9250, APX8000 , PRO7450, CP220, XPR6300, LTS 2000, RMU2043, GP900, XTS5000, P1325, CLS1410, XPR7350, MTX8000, APX4000, RDU2023, CP88, XV1400, PRO5150, CP140, SP50, HT1250LS, APX7000XE, RDV Series, DTR550, XTN600, MTX9000, PRO7350, CP200XLS, XPR6100, JT1000, RMU2040, GP350, XTS4250, P1225LS, CLS1110, XPR6580, MTX-LS, APX3000, RDU2020, CP450-LS, XV1100, PRO3150, CP125, SP21, HT1250, MTX850LS, APX7000, RDU4163d, DTR410, XTN500, PRO7150, CP200d, XPR3500, HT750LS, RMM2050, GP300, XTS3500, P1225, BPR40, XPR6550, MTS2000, APX1000, RDU Series, CP450, XU4100, PRO2150, CP120, SP10, HT1000, XTN446, MTX850, APX6000XE, RDU4160d, CT450·LS, PRO5750, CP200, XPR3300, HT750, RDX Series, GP2000, XTS3000, P1215, BPR20, XPR6500, MT2000, PRO9150, CP300, GTX, XU2600, PR860, CP110, RMV2080, XPR7580, MTX838, APX6000LI, RDU4103d, CT450, XV4100, PRO5550, CP185, VL50, HT1550XLS, RDV5100, EP450, XTS2500, P110, APX900, XPR6380, MT1500, PRO7750, CP250, RMU2080d, GTI, XU2100, PR400, CP100, XPR7550, MTX8250LS, APX6000, RDU4100, CT250, XV2600, PRO5450, CP160, VL130, HT1550, RDV2080d, EP350, XTS2250, MTX950, APX8000XE, CP240, XPR6350, MAG ONE, PRO7550, RMU2080, GP9000, XU1100, PR1500, CP040, XPR7380, MTX8250, APX4000LI, RDU2080d, CT150, XV2100, PRO5350, CP150, SRX2200, HT1250LS+
RLN4764A, RLN4764
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$1460 $500
The Command Tac CTEM-4764 is a Clear Medium Left Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The CTEM-4764 Earpiece is compatible with the PMLN6129, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This  CTEM-4764 Earpiece  is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsPRO2150, CP120, XTS1500, HT1000, MTX850, APX6000XE, XPR6300, CT450·LS, PRO5750, CP200, XTS5000, HT750, XPR7350, GP2000, P1215, BPR20, XV1400, MT2000, PRO9150, CP300, PR860, CP110, XTN600, GTX, MTX838, APX6000LI, XPR6100, CT450, PRO5550, CP185, XTS4250, HT1550XLS, XPR6580, EP450, P110, APX900, XV1100, MT1500, PRO7750, CP250, GTI, PR400, CP100, XTN500, MTX8250LS, APX6000, XPR3500, CT250, PRO5450, CP160, XTS3500, HT1550, XPR6550, EP350, MTX950, APX8000XE, XU4100, MAG ONE, PRO7550, CP240, XTN446, GP9000, PR1500, CP040, MTX8250, APX4000LI, XPR3300, CT150, PRO5350, CP150, XTS3000, HT1250LS+, XPR6500, DTR650, MTX9250, APX8000 , CP220, XU2600, LTS 2000, PRO7450, XPR7580, GP900, P1325, CLS1410, XV4100, MTX8000, APX4000, SP50, CP88, PRO5150, CP140, XTS2500, HT1250LS, XPR6380, DTR550, MTX9000, APX7000XE, PRO7350, CP200XLS, XU2100, JT1000, XPR7550, GP350, P1225LS, CLS1110, XV2600, MTX-LS, APX3000, SP21, CP450-LS, PRO3150, CP125, XTS2250, HT1250, APX7000, XPR6350, DTR410, MTX850LS, PRO7150, CP200d, XU1100, HT750LS, XPR7380, GP300, P1225, BPR40, XV2100, MTS2000, APX1000, SP10, CP450
RLN4765A, RLN4765
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$1460 $500
Command Tac CTEM-4765 Large Custom Earpiece . The CTEM-4765 is a Clear Large Left Earpiece. It is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is ideal for low noise environments. Two Way Radio Supply Brand CTEM-4765 Earpiece is compatible with the PMLN7158, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire) that use an acoustical clear tube. This  CTEM-4765 Earpiece is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsRDV2020, DTR550, XTS1500, MTX9250, APX7000XE, PRO7450, CP200XLS, XPR6300, JT1000, RMU2043, GP350, XTS5000, P1325, CLS1110, XPR7350, MTX-LS, APX3000, RDU2023, CP450-LS, XV1400, PRO5150, CP125, SP50, HT1250, APX7000, RDV Series, DTR410, XTN600, MTX9000, PRO7350, CP200d, XPR6100, HT750LS, RMU2040, GP300, XTS4250, P1225LS, BPR40, XPR6580, MTS2000, APX1000, RDU2020, CP450, XV1100, PRO3150, CP120, SP21, HT1000, MTX850LS, APX6000XE, RDU4163d, CT450·LS, XTN500, PRO7150, CP200, XPR3500, HT750, RMM2050, GP2000, XTS3500, P1225, BPR20, XPR6550, MT2000, RDU Series, CP300, XU4100, PRO2150, CP110, SP10, GTX, XTN446, MTX850, APX6000LI, RDU4160d, CT450, PRO5750, CP185, XPR3300, HT1550XLS, RDX Series, EP450, XTS3000, P1215, APX900, XPR6500, MT1500, PRO9150, CP250, GTI, XU2600, PR860, CP100, RMV2080, XPR7580, MTX8250LS, APX6000, RDU4103d, CT250, XV4100, PRO5550, CP160, VL50, HT1550, RDV5100, EP350, XTS2500, P110, APX8000XE, XPR6380, MAG ONE, PRO7750, CP240, RMU2080d, GP9000, XU2100, PR400, CP040, XPR7550, MTX8250, APX4000LI, RDU4100, CT150, XV2600, PRO5450, CP150, VL130, HT1250LS+, RDV2080d, DTR650, XTS2250, MTX950, APX8000 , CP220, XPR6350, LTS 2000, PRO7550, RMU2080, GP900, XU1100, PR1500, CLS1410, XPR7380, MTX8000, APX4000, RDU2080d, CP88, XV2100, PRO5350, CP140, SRX2200, HT1250LS
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$27600 $21995
Our Brand CTH-5277 Headset features Behind-the-Head Style, Noise Cancelling Mic, Velcro overhead Strap for under helmet use, Padded Ear Cups, Comfortable Foam Ear Pad, Flexible Boom Mic, Large In-Line PTT w/Clothing Clip, PTT Button on Ear Cup, 270° Rotatable Boom Mic. 12 month warranty
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsRMV2080, CP080, GP300, RDU2080d, XV4100, CP450, VL50, CP140, LTS2000, CT250, RDV2080d, P1225, XU2100, CP200, GP280, RMU2080d, CP040, RDU2023, XV2600, CP300, VL130, CP1300, GTX, CT150, RDV2020, P1215, XU1100, CP185, GP2000, RMU2080, CLS1410, RDU2020, XV2100, CP250, SP50+, CP125, GTI, CP88, RDU4163d, CP1660, P110, XTN600, EP450, RMU2043, CLS1110, PRO3150, XV1400, CP240, SP50, CP120, GP88, CP477, RDU4160d, XTN500, CP1600, P080, EP350, RMU2040, BPR40, PR400, XV1100, CP220, SP21, CP110, GP68, CP476, RDU4103d, XTN446, CP160, P040, CT450LS, RMM2050, BPR20, P1325, XU4100, CP200XLS, SP10, CP100, GP308, RDU4100, CP450-LS, XTN Series, CP150, Mag One, CT450, RDV5100, P1225 LS, XU2600, CP200d
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$25300 $19995
Our Brand CTH-5277EC Headset features Behind-the-Head Style, Noise Cancelling Mic, Velcro overhead Strap for under helmet use, Padded Ear Cups, Comfortable Foam Ear Pad, Flexible Boom Mic, PTT Button on Ear Cup, 270° Rotatable Boom Mic. 12 month warranty
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsRMU2043, CLS1110, EP450, XV1400, CP240, PRO3150, GP88, SP50, CP120, RDU4160d, CP477, XTN500, CP1600, P080, RMU2040, BPR40, EP350, XV1100, CP220, PR400, GP68, SP21, CP110, RDU4103d, CP476, P040, XTN446, CP160, RMM2050, BPR20, CT450LS, XU4100, CP200XLS, P1325, GP308, SP10, CP100, RDU4100, CP450-LS, Mag One, XTN Series, CP150, RDV5100, CT450, XU2600, CP200d, P1225 LS, GP300, RMV2080, CP080, CP450, RDU2080d, XV4100, LTS2000, VL50, CP140, RDV2080d, CT250, XU2100, CP200, P1225, GP280, RMU2080d, CP040, XV2600, CP300, RDU2023, GTX, VL130, CP1300, RDV2020, CT150, XU1100, CP185, P1215, CLS1410, GP2000, RMU2080, XV2100, CP250, RDU2020, GTI, SP50+, CP125, RDU4163d, CP88, XTN600, CP1660, P110
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$2530 $1590
The CTL-4620 is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Receive Only 3.5mm plug that will fit any Remote Speaker Mic or Public Safety Mic that has the 3.5mm accessory port. D Style Comfort Ear Piece, L Shape 3.5mm plug
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Ear Piece StyleD Style Ear Piece
RLN4941A Motorola Listen Only
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$2990 $1750
CTL-4941-3.5: The CTL-4941-3.5 is the Command Tac Replacement for the Motorola Original Receive Only 3.5mm plug that will fit any Remote Speaker Mic or Public Safety Mic that has the 3.5mm accessory port. Coiled Clear Acoustical Tube, L Shape 3.5mm plug
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
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$2300 $1900
The CTS-4442 is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Single Wire Earbud, In Line PTT w/VOX and Clothing Clip
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleEar Bud
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