MTZ2000 Surveillance Kits

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The 5080370E97 Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. The 5080370E97 comes as a 25 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsGP340, XV2100, GTX, APX7000, RDU2080d, SRX2200, P040, CP200·XLS, GP1200, XTN600, HT1250, CLS1410, CP300, XPR6300, GP388, RDV2020, GP308, XTS5000, APX1000, CT450, XPR7350, HT750, CP140, GP339, XV1400, GTI, APX6000XE, RDU2020, SP50, MT1000, CP200XLS, EP450, XTN500, HT1000, CLS1110, CP250, XPR6100, P1225LS, GP300, XTS3500, CT250, XPR6580, HT6000, CP125, GP338, XV1100, GP9000, APX6000LI, RDU Series, SP21, XTN446, MOBIUS, CP200d, EP350, GTX900, BPR40, CP240, VL50, P1225, GP280, XTS3000, CT150, XPR6550, GP68, HT1550XLS, CP120, GP329, XU4100, GP900, APX6000, PRO3150, SP10, DTR650, MAG ONE, CP200, GP360, GTX800, BPR20, RDV Series, CP220, P1215, GP2100, XTS2500, CP88, XPR6500, GP650, HT1550, CP110, RDX Series, GP328+, XU2600, GP88, APX4000LI, PR400, DTR550, XPR7580, LTS 2000, CP185, GP350, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, APX8000 , RDU4160d, P110, GP2000, XTS2250, CP100, CP450-LS, XPR6380, GP640, HT1250LS+, P1325, RDV5100, GP328, XU2100, GP680, APX4000, DTR410, XPR7550, JT1000, CP160, GP344, XV2600, GTX LTR Portable, APX7000XE, RDU4100, VL130, P080, GP1280, XTS1500, CP040, CP450, XPR6350, GP600, HT1250LS, RDV2080d, GP320, XU1100, APX3000, CT450·LS, XPR7380, HT750LS, CP150
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The 5080386B90 Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. Comes as a 25 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsAPX3000, CP140, CP300, XTS3000, GP2100, GP640, HT750LS, VL130, P1325, CP200d, XTN446, SP10, GP388, CP040, GP2000, APX7000, GTX LTR Portable, XV1100, RDU4160d, GP339, XPR6550, APX1000, CP110, CP450, XTS3500, GP280, DTR550, GP329, VL50, PR400, GTX900, CLS1410, CP200XLS, XTN500, SP21, GP600, MAG ONE, APX6000XE, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, XV1400, RDV Series, P080, GP340, XPR6580, CLS1110, CP120, CP450-LS, XTS5000, GP300, DTR650, LTS 2000, GP338, XPR6100, PRO3150, APX6000LI, CP200·XLS, XTN600, SP50, GP328, HT1550, GP328+, XV2100, RDV2020, P040, CP150, XPR7350, BPR40, CP125, CP88, XU1100, GP308, EP350, RDU Series, CT250, GP650, XPR6300, APX6000, CP220, XTS1500, SRX2200, GP9000, HT1550XLS, P1215, JT1000, XV2600, RDV2080d, GP344, MT1000, CP160, XPR7380, EP450, BPR20, HT1000, CT150, XU2100, GP320, RDU2020, CT450, GP68, XPR6350, APX4000LI, CP240, XTS2250, GTI, HT6000, P1225, HT1250, XPR7550, RDV5100, GP350, MOBIUS, CP185, GP1200, APX8000 , HT1250LS, XU2600, RDU2080d, CT450·LS, GP680, XPR6380, APX4000, P110, CP250, XTS2500, GP900, GTX, HT750, P1225LS, GTX800, XPR7580, RDX Series, GP360, CP100, CP200, GP1280, APX7000XE, HT1250LS+, XU4100, RDU4100, DTR410, GP88, XPR6500
The 67009254001 Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. Comes as a 10 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsGTI, XU2100, GP328+, BPR40, GTX800, XPR6580, XTS3500, CP450, PRO3150, GP2100, APX6000LI, CP125, MOBIUS, GP650, XPR6500, HT1550, P040, SRX2200, XU4100, CP200d, DTR650, XTN446, XU1100, GP329, BPR40, GTX900, XPR6550, XTS3000, CP300, P1215, GP68, GP280, APX6000, CP120, HT750LS, XPR6380, CT450, VL130, XV1100, CP200, GP350, EP350, XPR7580, XTS5000, GP338, BPR20, HT1000, RDV5100, P1225, RDU2080d, XTS2500, CP250, GP680, GP300, APX4000LI, CP110, HT6000, XPR6350, CT250, VL50, XV1400, CP185, GP360, EP450, XPR7550, RDV Series, RDX Series, GP339, APX8000 , HT1250, RDV2020, CP240, P1225LS, RDU4100, XTS2250, GP88, GP308, APX4000, GTX, CP100, HT750, XPR6300, CT150, RDU2020, XV2100, CP160, JT1000, GP388, GP1200, CP040, RDV2080d, P110, SP10, GP340, APX7000XE, HT1250LS, CP220, P1325, RDU4160d, XTS1500, GP900, GP320, APX3000, GTX LTR Portable, XPR7380, XPR6100, CP88, RDU Series, XV2600, CLS1410, CP150, LTS 2000, GP600, GP1280, HT1550XLS, P080, SP21, GP344, APX7000, CP200·XLS, PR400, DTR410, XTN600, GP9000, XU2600, GP328, APX1000, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, XPR7350, CP450-LS, CLS1110, CP140, MAG ONE, GP640, GP2000, HT1250LS+, CT450·LS, SP50, APX6000XE, CP200XLS, MT1000, DTR550, XTN500
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$1950 $1010
The 7580372E70 is Replacement Foam Ear Cushion. Made to fit most all earbud/Pellet Style earpiece's like those that will fit the IPhone style. They are soft stretchable hygenic black cushions. This is a 10 PACK.
Ear Piece StyleEarbud Foam Cushion Fits Radio ModelsP1225, MTS2000, APX3000, XTN500, CP450-LS, CLS1110, XV1100, GP300, SP21, RDU2080d, HT750LS, MTX838, XPR6580, RMU2080, CP200XLS, PRO3150, DTR410, PRO7450, APX7000XE, XTS4250, RDV2080d, CP140, HT1250, XPR6100, P1225LS, MTX-LS, APX4000, XTN600, CP88, CLS1410, XV1400, GP350, SP50, RDU4100, PRO5150, JT1000, MTX850, XPR7350, RMU2080d, CP200·XLS, DTR550, PRO7550, APX8000 , XTS5000, RDV5100, CP150, PRO5550, HT1250LS, XPR6300, P1325, MTX8000, APX4000LI, XTS1500, CT150, CP040, XV2100, GP900, SRX2200, RDU4103d, PRO5350, LTS 2000, MTX850LS, XPR7380, RMV2080, CP220, DTR650, PRO7750, APX8000XE, XU1100, RDX Series, CP160, PRO5750, HT1250LS+, XPR6350, PR1500, MTX8250, APX6000, XTS2250, APX1000, RDU4160d, CP100, XV2600, GP9000, VL130, PR400, MAG ONE, MTX9000, XPR7550, CP250, SP10, CP240, EP350, PRO9150, APX900, XU2100, RMM2050, CP185, PRO7150, HT1550, XPR6380, MTX8250LS, APX6000LI, XTS2500, CT250, RDU4163d, CP110, XV4100, GTI, VL50, P110, MT1500, MTX9250, XPR7580, CP300, EP450, RDU2020, BPR20, XU2600, XPR6500, RMU2040, CP200, PR860, HT1550XLS, CT450, PRO5450, APX6000XE, XTS3000, RDV Series, CP120, GTX, XPR3300, P1215, MT2000, MTX950, XTN446, CP450, GP2000, RDU2023, BPR40, XU4100, XPR6550, RMU2043, CP200d, PRO2150, HT750, CT450·LS, PRO7350, APX7000, XTS3500, RDV2020, CP125, HT1000, XPR3500
RLN4941A Motorola Listen Only
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$2990 $1750
CTL-4941-3.5: The CTL-4941-3.5 is the Command Tac Replacement for the Motorola Original Receive Only 3.5mm plug that will fit any Remote Speaker Mic or Public Safety Mic that has the 3.5mm accessory port. Coiled Clear Acoustical Tube, L Shape 3.5mm plug
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
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$2990 $1750
PMLN7560A Listen Only Earpiece is designed to help you keep your conversations more discrete.  It has a 3.5mm plug that goes into your accessory port on your remote speaker michrophone
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
RLN4941A Motorola Listen Only
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$2990 $1750
RLN4941A: The RLN4941A is the Command Tac Replacement for the Motorola Original Receive Only 3.5mm plug that will fit any Remote Speaker Mic or Public Safety Mic that has the 3.5mm accessory port. Coiled Clear Acoustical Tube, L Shape 3.5mm plug
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube