Radio Supplies

RLN4761A, RLN4761
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$1460 $500
CTEM-4761 Earpiece : The  Motorola CTEM-4761 is a Clear Medium Right Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece   is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The CTEM-4761 Earpiece is compatible with the NTN8371A, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This CTEM-4761 Earpiece   is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsGP9000, APX8000XE, CP450, P1215, PRO5550, GP2000, RDV5100, APX8000 , HT750LS, MT1500, BPR40, CP220, MTX-LS, GP640, XTS1500, RDU2080d, PRO9150, APX4000LI, BPR20, RMU2080, DTR410, XPR6550, LTS 2000, MTX950, GP340, XU2600, GTI, RDU2023, CP450-LS, P1225, PRO5750, GP300, RDX Series, SRX2200, HT1250, MT2000, CP150, CP240, PR860, GP650, XTS2250, DTR550, RDU4100, XTS4250, APX6000, CP040, RMU2080d, XPR6580, PR400, MTX8000, GP344, XU4100, HT750, RDU4103d, CP88, P1225LS, PRO7150, GP320, XTN446, XPR6100, HT1250LS, MTS2000, XTS3000, CP160, CP300, PR1500, GP68, DTR650, RDU4160d, APX6000LI, CP200d, RMV2080, XPR7350, CLS1110, MTX8250, GP350, XV1100, HT1000, RDU4163d, CT150, P1325, PRO7350, GP328, XTN500, XPR6300, HT1250LS+, MTX838, GP680, XTS3500, CP185, GP280, PRO5150, EP350, RDV Series, APX6000XE, CP200XLS, XV4100, XPR7380, CLS1410, MTX8250LS, GP360, XV1400, APX1000, CP100, RMM2050, CT250, PRO3150, PRO7450, MTX850, GP328+, XTN600, XPR6350, HT1550, GP88, XTS5000, CP200, GTX, PRO5350, EP450, RDV2020, APX7000, GP329, XPR3300, XPR7550, CP120, MTX9000, GP388, XV2100, APX3000, CP110, RMU2040, CT450, RDU Series, PRO7550, HT1550XLS, MTX850LS, GP338, XU1100, XPR6380, GP900, APX900, CP250, P110, PRO5450, GP1280, RDV2080d, APX7000XE, GP1200, XPR3500, XPR7580, CP125, MTX9250, GP600, XV2600, PRO7750, APX4000, CP140, RMU2043, CT450·LS, RDU2020, XPR6500, JT1000, MTX900, GP339, XU2100
RLN4762A, RLN4762
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$1460 $500
Command Tac CTEM-4762 Large Custom Earpiece . The CTEM-4762 is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. Two Way Radio Supply Brand CTEM-4762 Earpiece is compatible with the RLN6424, RLN4941, RLN6424 and PMLN7412 clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This CTEM-4762 Earpiece is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits with Acoustical Clear Tubes
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsPRO7350, CP200XLS, XPR6100, JT1000, RMU2040, GP350, XTS4250, P1225LS, CLS1110, XPR6580, MTX-LS, APX3000, RDU2020, CP450-LS, HT1250, XV1100, PRO3150, CP125, SP21, XTN500, MTX850LS, APX7000, RDU4163d, DTR410, PRO7150, CP200d, XPR3500, HT750LS, RMM2050, GP300, XTS3500, P1225, BPR40, XPR6550, MTS2000, APX1000, RDU Series, CP450, SP10, HT1000, XU4100, PRO2150, CP120, XTN446, MTX850, APX6000XE, RDU4160d, CT450·LS, PRO5750, CP200, XPR3300, HT750, RDX Series, GP2000, XTS3000, P1215, BPR20, CP300, XPR6500, MT2000, PRO9150, RMV2080, GTX, XU2600, PR860, CP110, XPR7580, MTX838, APX6000LI, RDU4103d, CT450, XV4100, PRO5550, CP185, VL50, HT1550XLS, RDV5100, EP450, XTS2500, P110, APX900, PRO7750, CP250, XPR6380, MT1500, RMU2080d, GTI, XU2100, PR400, CP100, XPR7550, MTX8250LS, APX6000, RDU4100, CT250, XV2600, PRO5450, CP160, VL130, HT1550, APX8000XE, RDV2080d, EP350, XTS2250, MTX950, PRO7550, CP240, XPR6350, MAG ONE, RMU2080, GP9000, XU1100, PR1500, CP040, XPR7380, MTX8250, APX4000LI, RDU2080d, CT150, XV2100, PRO5350, CP150, SRX2200, HT1250LS+, MTX9250, APX8000 , RDV2020, DTR650, XTS1500, PRO7450, CP220, XPR6300, LTS 2000, RMU2043, GP900, XTS5000, P1325, CLS1410, XPR7350, MTX8000, APX4000, RDU2023, CP88, XV1400, PRO5150, CP140, SP50, HT1250LS, XTN600, MTX9000, APX7000XE, RDV Series, DTR550
RLN4763A, RLN4763
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$1460 $500
CTEM-4763: Command Tac CTEM-4763 Small Custom Earpiece . The CTEM-4763 is a Clear Small Left Earpiece. It is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. Two Way Radio Supply Brand CTEM-4763 Earpiece is compatible with the RLN5882, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This  CTEM-4763 Earpiece is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsPRO7350, CP200XLS, XPR6100, JT1000, RMU2040, GP350, XTS4250, P1225LS, CLS1110, XPR6580, MTX-LS, APX3000, RDU2020, CP450-LS, HT1250, XV1100, PRO3150, CP125, SP21, XTN500, MTX850LS, APX7000, RDU4163d, DTR410, PRO7150, CP200d, XPR3500, HT750LS, RMM2050, GP300, XTS3500, P1225, BPR40, XPR6550, MTS2000, APX1000, RDU Series, CP450, SP10, HT1000, XU4100, PRO2150, CP120, XTN446, MTX850, APX6000XE, RDU4160d, CT450·LS, PRO5750, CP200, XPR3300, HT750, RDX Series, GP2000, XTS3000, P1215, BPR20, CP300, XPR6500, MT2000, PRO9150, RMV2080, GTX, XU2600, PR860, CP110, XPR7580, MTX838, APX6000LI, RDU4103d, CT450, XV4100, PRO5550, CP185, VL50, HT1550XLS, RDV5100, EP450, XTS2500, P110, APX900, PRO7750, CP250, XPR6380, MT1500, RMU2080d, GTI, XU2100, PR400, CP100, XPR7550, MTX8250LS, APX6000, RDU4100, CT250, XV2600, PRO5450, CP160, VL130, HT1550, APX8000XE, RDV2080d, EP350, XTS2250, MTX950, PRO7550, CP240, XPR6350, MAG ONE, RMU2080, GP9000, XU1100, PR1500, CP040, XPR7380, MTX8250, APX4000LI, RDU2080d, CT150, XV2100, PRO5350, CP150, SRX2200, HT1250LS+, MTX9250, APX8000 , RDV2020, DTR650, XTS1500, PRO7450, CP220, XPR6300, LTS 2000, RMU2043, GP900, XTS5000, P1325, CLS1410, XPR7350, MTX8000, APX4000, RDU2023, CP88, XV1400, PRO5150, CP140, SP50, HT1250LS, XTN600, MTX9000, APX7000XE, RDV Series, DTR550
RLN4764A, RLN4764
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$1460 $500
The Command Tac CTEM-4764 is a Clear Medium Left Earpiece. The Custom Earpiece is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is perfect for low noise environments. The CTEM-4764 Earpiece is compatible with the PMLN6129, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire). This  CTEM-4764 Earpiece  is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsMTX838, APX6000LI, XPR6100, CT450, PRO5550, CP185, XTS4250, HT1550XLS, XPR6580, EP450, P110, APX900, CP250, XV1100, MT1500, PRO7750, XTN500, GTI, PR400, CP100, MTX8250LS, APX6000, XPR3500, CT250, PRO5450, CP160, XTS3500, HT1550, XPR6550, EP350, MTX950, APX8000XE, PRO7550, CP240, XU4100, MAG ONE, XTN446, GP9000, PR1500, CP040, MTX8250, APX4000LI, XPR3300, CT150, PRO5350, CP150, XTS3000, HT1250LS+, APX8000 , XPR6500, DTR650, MTX9250, PRO7450, CP220, XU2600, LTS 2000, XPR7580, GP900, P1325, CLS1410, XV4100, MTX8000, APX4000, SP50, CP88, PRO5150, CP140, XTS2500, HT1250LS, MTX9000, APX7000XE, XPR6380, DTR550, PRO7350, CP200XLS, XU2100, JT1000, XPR7550, GP350, P1225LS, CLS1110, XV2600, MTX-LS, APX3000, SP21, CP450-LS, PRO3150, CP125, XTS2250, HT1250, MTX850LS, APX7000, XPR6350, DTR410, PRO7150, CP200d, XU1100, HT750LS, XPR7380, GP300, P1225, BPR40, XV2100, MTS2000, APX1000, SP10, CP450, HT1000, PRO2150, CP120, XTS1500, MTX850, APX6000XE, XPR6300, CT450·LS, PRO5750, CP200, XTS5000, HT750, XPR7350, GP2000, P1215, BPR20, XV1400, MT2000, PRO9150, CP300, XTN600, GTX, PR860, CP110
RLN4765A, RLN4765
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$1460 $500
Command Tac CTEM-4765 Large Custom Earpiece . The CTEM-4765 is a Clear Large Left Earpiece. It is a comfortable earpiece that forms to the inside of your ear and is ideal for low noise environments. Two Way Radio Supply Brand CTEM-4765 Earpiece is compatible with the PMLN7158, clear acoustic tube assembly, and most surveillance kits (1, 2 and 3 wire) that use an acoustical clear tube. This  CTEM-4765 Earpiece is made of easy-to-clean chemically inert, hypo-allergenic material. Fits Most Surveillance Kits
Ear Piece StyleEarmold Fits Radio ModelsPRO7350, CP200d, XPR6100, HT750LS, RMU2040, GP300, XTS4250, P1225LS, BPR40, XPR6580, MTS2000, APX1000, RDU2020, CP450, HT1000, XV1100, PRO3150, CP120, SP21, XTN500, MTX850LS, APX6000XE, RDU4163d, CT450·LS, PRO7150, CP200, XPR3500, HT750, RMM2050, GP2000, XTS3500, P1225, BPR20, XPR6550, MT2000, RDU Series, CP300, SP10, GTX, XU4100, PRO2150, CP110, XTN446, MTX850, APX6000LI, RDU4160d, CT450, PRO5750, CP185, XPR3300, HT1550XLS, RDX Series, EP450, XTS3000, P1215, APX900, CP250, XPR6500, MT1500, PRO9150, RMV2080, GTI, XU2600, PR860, CP100, XPR7580, MTX8250LS, APX6000, RDU4103d, CT250, XV4100, PRO5550, CP160, VL50, HT1550, RDV5100, EP350, XTS2500, P110, APX8000XE, PRO7750, CP240, XPR6380, MAG ONE, RMU2080d, GP9000, XU2100, PR400, CP040, XPR7550, MTX8250, APX4000LI, RDU4100, CT150, XV2600, PRO5450, CP150, VL130, HT1250LS+, APX8000 , RDV2080d, DTR650, XTS2250, MTX950, PRO7550, CP220, XPR6350, LTS 2000, RMU2080, GP900, XU1100, PR1500, CLS1410, XPR7380, MTX8000, APX4000, RDU2080d, CP88, XV2100, PRO5350, CP140, SRX2200, HT1250LS, MTX9250, APX7000XE, RDV2020, DTR550, XTS1500, PRO7450, CP200XLS, XPR6300, JT1000, RMU2043, GP350, XTS5000, P1325, CLS1110, XPR7350, MTX-LS, APX3000, RDU2023, CP450-LS, XV1400, PRO5150, CP125, SP50, HT1250, XTN600, MTX9000, APX7000, RDV Series, DTR410
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The CTH-10D-BH Heavy Duty Headset for Kenwood 2 Pin Connected Radios. This CTH-10D-BH comes with Replaceable In Line PTT w/Clothing Clip, Velco Over the Head Strap allows the use of a hard hat/safety helmet, Ear Cup PTT, Adjustable Boom Mic and 12 month warranty.
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Radio Connection StyleDirect Radio Connect
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The  CTH-15D-BH Headset is a replacement for OEM. The  CTH-15D-BH Headset offers Replaceable Coiled Cord with Large PTT w/Clothing Clip, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Ear Cup PTT, Adjustable Boom Mic, Over the head velcro strap and 24dB. The  CTH-15D-BH also comes with a 1 Year Warranty
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$32200 $28950
CTH-3000: The CTH-3000 is Our Replacement for the Motorola Original Headset. Our CTH-3000 Headset comes with PTT, Replaceable Coiled Cable, Clothing Clip, 12 Month Warranty and Direct Radio Connect. The Replaceable is the best solution if you were to brake the cable, most heasets go bad at the cable or the radio connection
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Fits Radio ModelsXPR3500e, XPR3300, XPR3500, XPR3300e
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Our CTH-5275-A is our brand Behind the Head Headset. Our CTH-5275-A features In-Line Large 2" PTT, Coiled Cable, Heavy Duty Swivel Clip, 5 Pin Quick Disconnect, 26" Straight cord from radio connector to PTT, 21" Coiled Cable from PTT to Headset, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, BTH Neck Bar, Over the Head Velcro Strap, Double Muff Ear Cups, Extra PTT on Ear Cup and Adjustable Boom Mic. Our CTH-5275-A also comes with a 1 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment.
Fits Radio ModelsAPX7000XE, APX4000Li, APX8000, APX4000XH, APX8000XE, APX6000, APX900, APX6000Li, APX1000, APX6000XE, APX3000, APX7000, APX4000 Jack Size
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Our CTH-5275-AEC is our brand Behind the Head Headset. Our CTH-5275-AEC features Ear Cup PTT, Coiled Cable, Heavy Duty Swivel Clip, 5 Pin Quick Disconnect, 26" Straight cord from radio connector to PTT, 21" Coiled Cable from PTT to Headset, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, BTH Neck Bar, Over the Head Velcro Strap, Double Muff Ear Cups and Adjustable Boom Mic. Our CTH-5275-AEC also comes with a 1 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment.
Fits Radio ModelsAPX6000Li, APX1000, APX6000XE, APX3000, APX7000, APX4000, APX7000XE, APX4000Li, APX8000, APX4000XH, APX8000XE, APX6000, APX900 Jack Size
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$32200 $23950
Our CTH-5275-X is our brand Behind the Head Headset. Our CTH-5275-X features In-Line Large 2" PTT, Coiled Cable, Heavy Duty Swivel Clip, 5 Pin Quick Disconnect, 26" Straight cord from radio connector to PTT, 21" Coiled Cable from PTT to Headset, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, BTH Neck Bar, Over the Head Velcro Strap, Double Muff Ear Cups, Extra PTT on Ear Cup and Adjustable Boom Mic. Our CTH-5275-X also comes with a 1 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment.
Fits Radio ModelsXPR7580, DGP6150+, DP4600, XPR6580, XiRP8260, XPR7550e, DGP6150, DP4400, XPR6550, XiRP8208, XPR7550, DGP4150+, DP3601, XPR6500, XiRP8200, XPR7380e, DGP4150, DP3600, XPR6380, MTP6750, XPR7380, DP3401, XPR6350, MTP6550, XPR7350e, XPR6100, XPR7580e, DP3400, XPR6300, DP4800, XPR7350, XiRP8268 Jack Size
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$27600 $21950
Our CTH-5275-XEC is our brand Behind the Head Headset. Our CTH-5275-XEC features Ear Cup PTT, Coiled Cable, Heavy Duty Swivel Clip, 5 Pin Quick Disconnect, 26" Straight cord from radio connector to PTT, 21" Coiled Cable from PTT to Headset, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, BTH Neck Bar, Over the Head Velcro Strap, Double Muff Ear Cups and Adjustable Boom Mic. Our CTH-5275-XEC also comes with a 1 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment.
Fits Radio ModelsDP4400, XPR6550, XiRP8208, DGP4150+, XPR7550, DP3601, XPR6500, XiRP8200, XPR7380e, DGP4150, DP3600, XPR6380, MTP6750, XPR7380, DP3401, XPR6350, MTP6550, XPR7350e, XPR6100, DP3400, XPR7580e, XPR6300, DP4800, XPR7350, XiRP8268, DGP6150+, XPR7580, DP4600, XPR6580, XiRP8260, DGP6150, XPR7550e Jack Size
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$27600 $21995
Our Brand CTH-5277 Headset features Behind-the-Head Style, Noise Cancelling Mic, Velcro overhead Strap for under helmet use, Padded Ear Cups, Comfortable Foam Ear Pad, Flexible Boom Mic, Large In-Line PTT w/Clothing Clip, PTT Button on Ear Cup, 270° Rotatable Boom Mic. 12 month warranty
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsGP68, CP1600, RDU4100, XU1100, CP240, CP140, CP080, CT450, EP450, P110, RMU2043, XV2600, P040, CP110, GTX, CP1660, RDU4103d, XU2100, CP300, CP160, CT250, RMU2080d, PR400, CLS1110, XV4100, P080, VL130, GP280, SP50, EP350, RDU4160d, XU2600, CP450, CP185, CT150, RMV2080, CP100, CLS1410, CP250, P1215, GP2000, CP150, SP10, Mag One, RDU4163d, XU4100, CP450-LS, LTS2000, CP476, RDU2020, XTN446, VL50, CP040, P1225 LS, CP125, CP200, P1325, RMM2050, RDV2020, XV1100, CP88, GP300, CP477, RDU2023, XTN500, CP120, BPR20, SP21, PRO3150, CP200d, P1225, RMU2080, GP308, RDV2080d, XV1400, GP88, CP1300, RDU2080d, XTN600, CP220, BPR40, XTN Series, CT450LS, CP200XLS, SP50+, RMU2040, XV2100, GTI, RDV5100
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$25300 $19995
Our Brand CTH-5277EC Headset features Behind-the-Head Style, Noise Cancelling Mic, Velcro overhead Strap for under helmet use, Padded Ear Cups, Comfortable Foam Ear Pad, Flexible Boom Mic, PTT Button on Ear Cup, 270° Rotatable Boom Mic. 12 month warranty
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsMag One, CP150, SP10, XU4100, CP450-LS, RDU4163d, LTS2000, CP476, XTN446, VL50, RDU2020, CP125, CP040, P1225 LS, RMM2050, CP200, P1325, XV1100, CP88, RDV2020, GP300, CP477, XTN500, CP120, RDU2023, PRO3150, BPR20, SP21, RMU2080, CP200d, P1225, XV1400, GP308, RDV2080d, CP1300, GP88, XTN600, CP220, RDU2080d, CT450LS, BPR40, XTN Series, RMU2040, CP200XLS, SP50+, XV2100, GTI, RDV5100, CP1600, GP68, XU1100, CP240, RDU4100, CT450, CP140, CP080, RMU2043, EP450, P110, CP110, XV2600, P040, CP1660, GTX, XU2100, CP300, RDU4103d, CT250, CP160, RMU2080d, PR400, CLS1110, VL130, XV4100, P080, EP350, GP280, SP50, XU2600, CP450, RDU4160d, CT150, CP185, CLS1410, RMV2080, CP100, GP2000, CP250, P1215
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$9880 $5700
The Command Tac CTK-26N Battery is made to meet or beat Kenwood Original with lower cost. The CTK-26N features Top Grade Japanese Cells, 2000mAh (Milliamps), 7.4 Volts, NiMh Chemistry (Nickel Metal Hydride) and a 12 month warranty. The CTK-26N replaces KNB26N and KNB-26N
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Kenwood OEM Brand RadioKenwood
KNB-33L Battery
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$9430 $5900
Our brand CTK-33L is made to meet or exceed Kenwood original. Our CTK-33L Battery will work with radios listed below. Our version CTK-33L features 2000mAh Milliamps, 7.2 Volts, 14.1 Wh, Japanese Battery Cells, Li-Ion Chemistry and also comes with a 12 Month Warranty. The CTK-33L is also known as KNB-33L and KNB33L
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Kenwood OEM Brand RadioKenwood
CTKNB-43L Battery
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$10350 $7350
The Command Tac CTK-43L is made to meet or exceed Kenwood original. Our CTK-43L Battery will work with radios listed below. The Command Tac CTK-43L features 3400mAh Milliamps , 7.2 Volts, Japanese Battery Cells, Li-Ion Chemistry and also comes with a 12 Month Warranty. The CTK-43L is replacing KNB-43L, KNB43L and PMKNB43LIP
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Kenwood OEM Brand RadioKenwood
CTKNB-45L Battery
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The Command Tac CTK-45L Radio Battery  is made to fit the radios listed below. The Command Tac CTK-45L Replacement Battery features 2200mAh Milliamps, 7.2 Volts, Li-Ion Chemistry and High Quality Japanese Battery Cells. Our CTK-45L also comes with a 1 Year Warranty. The CTK-45L is replacing KNB-45L, KNB45L and BPKNB45LIP
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Kenwood OEM Brand RadioKenwood
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The Command Tac Brand CTK-47L is a direct replacement for the Kenwood KNB-47L Battery and features Japanese Battery Cells which are the best quality, 2300mAh (Milliamps), 7.2 Volts, Li-Ion Chemistry and comes with an 12 month warranty. The CTK-47L is also known as KNB-47L
OEM Brand RadioKenwood Compatible Radio ModelsNX200, NX200S, NX200G, TK5320, NX300G, TK5220, NX300S, NX300
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$10860 $7450
Our Brand CTK-48L Radio Battery made to meet or exceed OEM original battery. Our version CTK-48L Battery works with Kenwood radios listed below. The CTK-48L Replacement Battery features the Highest Quality Japanese Battery Cells, Li-Ion Chemistry, 3000mAh Milliamps, 7.2 Volts and also comes with a 12 Month Warranty
OEM Brand RadioKenwood Compatible Radio ModelsNX300G, TK5220, NX300S, NX300, NX200, NX200S, NX200G, TK5320
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$9440 $3000
The Command Tac CTK-54N is made to meet or beat OEM and works with radios listed below. The CTK-54N comes with the highest grade Japanese Cells. The CTK-54N features 2500mAh, Nickel Metal Hydride Chemistry, 7.2 Volts and comes with 12 Month Warranty. The CTK-54N replaces KNB-54N, KNB54N, BP5632MH
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Kenwood OEM Brand RadioKenwood
Kenwood CTK-57L Battery
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$10327 $5725
The CTK-57L Battery is a 2300 mAh, Li-Ion Battery and 7.4 Volts. Our Brand Kenwood CTK-57L battery comes with Top Quality Japanese Battery Cells. Our CTK-57L Battery is made to exceed OEM. The CTK-57L is also Known as KNB-57L and KNB57L
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Kenwood OEM Brand RadioKenwood
CTKNB-69L Battery
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$8740 $6900
Our Command Tac CTK-69L Radio Battery  is made to fit the radios listed below and meet or exceed Kenwood Original battery. The  CTK-69L Battery comes pack with much higher milliamps than any other currently on the market and at a price you can afford. The Command Tac CTK-69L Replacement Battery features 3000mAh Milliamps , 7.2 Volts, Li-Ion Chemistry and High Quality Japanese Battery Cells. Our CTK-69L also comes with a 1 Year Warranty. The CTK-69L is replacing KNB-69L, KNB69L and BPKNB69LI
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Kenwood OEM Brand RadioKenwood
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$12420 $7900
The Command Tac CTK-78L Battery is made to meet or beat Kenwood Original with lower cost and fits radios listed below. The CTK-78L features Top Grade Japanese Cells, 3400mAh (Milliamps) , 7.2 Volts, Li-Ion Chemistry (Lithium Ion) and a 12 month warranty. The CTK-78L replaces KNB78L, KNB-78L and PMKNB78LIP
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Kenwood OEM Brand RadioKenwood
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$8740 $3000
The Command Tac CTKNB-32N is made to meet or beat OEM. The CTKNB-32N features 2500mAh, Nickel Metal Hydride Chemistry, 7.2 Volts, High Quality Japanese Cells and comes with 12 Month Warranty
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Kenwood OEM Brand RadioKenwood
KNB-32N Radio Battery
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$7700 $3000
Our brand CTKNB-32N Battery is made to meet or exceed OEM original battery. Our CTKNB32N Radio Battery is made for use with Kenwood Radios listed below. Our CTKNB32N Replacement Battery features 2500mAH Milliamps, Nickel Metal Hydride Chemistry, 7.2 Volts, Japanese Cells and comes with a 12 Month Warranty
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Kenwood OEM Brand RadioKenwood
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$10327 $5725
The Command Tac CTKNB-35L Battery is made to meet or beat Kenwood Original with lower cost. The CTKNB-35L features Top Grade Japanese Cells, 2300mAh (Milliamps), 7.4 Volts, Li-Ion Chemistry and a 12 month warranty. The CTKNB-35L replaces KNB35L, KNB-35L and BP5635LI
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Kenwood OEM Brand RadioKenwood
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$10327 $5725
The Command Tac CTKNB-55L Battery is made to meet or beat Kenwood Original with lower cost. The CTKNB-55L features Top Grade Japanese Cells, 2300mAh (Milliamps), 7.2 Volts, Li-Ion Chemistry and a 12 month warranty. The CTKNB-55L replaces KNB55L, KNB-55L and BPKNB55LIP
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Kenwood OEM Brand RadioKenwood
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$9880 $5700
The Command Tac CTKNB-56N Battery is made to meet or beat Kenwood Original with lower cost. The CTKNB-56N features Top Grade Japanese Cells, 2000mAh (Milliamps), 7.4 Volts, NiMh Chemistry (Nickel Metal Hydride) and a 12 month warranty. The CTKNB-56N replaces KNB56N, KNB-56N and BP5626MH-1
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Kenwood OEM Brand RadioKenwood
Kenwood CTKNB-L2M Battery
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$12650 $9270
The Command Tac CTKNB-L2M battery will fit radios listed below. The CTKNB-L2M Battery is 3400mAh, 7.4 Volts and Li-Ion Battery. Our Brand CTKNB-L2M Kenwood battery comes with Top Quality Japanese Battery Cells. The Command Tac CTKNB-L2M Battery is made to meet or exceed OEM. The CTKNB-L2M is also known as KNB-L2M, KNBL2M, KNBL2 and BPKNBL2LI-26. The CTKNB-L2M comes with a 12 month Warranty to charge to 80% of it's original capacity
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Kenwood OEM Brand RadioKenwood
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$2530 $1590
The CTL-4620 is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Receive Only 3.5mm plug that will fit any Remote Speaker Mic or Public Safety Mic that has the 3.5mm accessory port. D Style Comfort Ear Piece, L Shape 3.5mm plug
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Ear Piece StyleD Style Ear Piece
2.5 Receive Only
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$2990 $1725
CTL-4941-2.5 is a 2.5mm Right Angle Plug Listen Only Earpiece to help you keep your conversations more discrete.  It has a 2.5mm plug that goes into your accessory port on your remote speaker michrophone.  Comes with Coiled Black Wire, Clothing Clip and Replaceable Clear Acoustical Tube. Command Tac designed this Surveillance piece to fit perfectly over the ear with a coiled clear ear tube.  The clear eartube helps to hide the fact that you are wearing a survelliance piece.
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
RLN4941A Motorola Listen Only
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$2990 $1750
CTL-4941-3.5: The CTL-4941-3.5 is the Command Tac Replacement for the Motorola Original Receive Only 3.5mm plug that will fit any Remote Speaker Mic or Public Safety Mic that has the 3.5mm accessory port. Coiled Clear Acoustical Tube, L Shape 3.5mm plug
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
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$5635 $4100
CTL-6424 Listen Only Earpiece is designed to help you keep your conversations more discrete.  The CTL-6424 comes with an 8 Pin Plug that goes into your accessory port on your remote speaker michrophone.  Surveillance piece CTL-6424 will fit perfectly over the ear with a coiled clear ear tube.  The clear eartube helps to hide the fact that you are wearing a survelliance piece and will keep your communications private
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
CT-WP-HY4 Speaker Mic
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$9660 $5500
The CTM-32-HY4 Speaker Mic for select Hytera Radios. The CTM-32-HY4 features 360 Rotating Clip, Waterproof Rating with IP68, Larger Mic Head, Kevlar Coiled Cable, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, 3.5mm Accessory Port and One Year Warranty
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
CT150 Radio Speaker Mic
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$6210 $4200
Our CTM-4013 Remote Speaker Mic allows the user the ability to save more without giving up quality. Our CTM-4013 Radio Mic offers Coiled Cable, Swivel Clothing Clip, and a 1 Year Warranty
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable TypeCoiled Cable
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$9660 $6190
Our CTM-4024 Remote Speaker Mic is made with Top Quality in Mind. Our Brand CTM-4024 Radio Mic provides Professional Grade, Rated IP68 WATERPROOF , Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Warranty. OEM Brand does not come as a waterproof mic. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment, with the look of OEM
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$12650 $7950
Our Command Tac Brand  CTM-4025 Speaker Mic comes with a 1 Year Warranty and great features. Our  CTM-4025 features Waterproof Rating IP68, Orange Emergency Man Down Button, RoHS Compliant, Military Grade, Coiled Cable, Kevlar Coated Cable, 3.5mm Accessory Port for listen only, Swivel Clothing Clip, Great Audio, Volume Toggle, Heavy Duty Strain Relief and Direct Radio Connect.  Not all radios are programmed for the Orange Man Down Button. Will not work with APX 6/7/8000 radios This speaker mic is not for the APX Radio Series
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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Our CTM-4050 Replacement Remote Speaker Mic is made with Top Quality in Mind. Our Brand CTM-4050 Radio Mic provides Professional Grade, Rated IP68 WATERPROOF , Kevlar Coiled Cable, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Warranty.
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$9890 $6300
This  CTM-4051 Remote Speaker Mic is Our Brand Replacement for OEM . Our CTM-4051 is top quality and less expensive than OEM. This CTM-4051 comes with IP68 Waterproof Rating which is not offered with OEM. The CTM-4051 Radio Mic comes with Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Kevlar Coated Wiring, Coiled Cable, 3.5mm Accessory Port, Larger Mic Head like OEM, Superior Audio and a 1 Year Warranty  
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$10350 $6190
Our  CTM-4071 Remote Speaker Mic is a Command Tac Brand direct replacement for OEM. Our Brand CTM-4071 comes with 1 Year Warranty, Heavy Duty Kevlar Cable, Waterproof, IP68 Rated, 3.5mm Accessory Port, Superior Audio, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Swivel Clothing Clip, Coiled Cable and Large Mic Head. Command Tac the new name in communications
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$7360 $5500
Our  CTM-41 Remote Speaker Mic is made to save you money and still provide quality. Our CTM-41 Radio Mic provides Swivel Clothing Clip, 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable TypeCoiled Cable
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$12650 $8990
The  CTM-41-HD Speaker Mic is direct replacement for OEM. The  CTM-41-HD Radio Mic offers IP67 Rating, Waterproof, Emergency Orange Button, 360° Clothing Clip, Kevlar Coated Cable, Coiled Cable, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, and 3.5mm Listen Only Accessory Port. The CTM-41-HD also comes with a 1 Year Warranty
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$12650 $6500
The CTM-BK-KNG is a Direct Replacement for Bendix King Speaker Mic with all the important features. The CTM-BK-KNG features Waterproof Protection, 360 Rotating Clip, Emergency Orange Button, High/Low Volume Toggle, IP68 Rated, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Kevlar Coated Cable, Coiled Cable and 3.5mm Accessory Port. The CTM-BK-KNG also comes with a 1 Year Warranty
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$9660 $5990
The CTM-H1-7200 Speaker Mic for select Harris and M/A Com Radios. The CTM-H1-7200 features 360 Rotating Clip, Waterproof Rating with IP68, and 3.5mm Accessory Port for use with Receive Only Earpiece sold separately. Please see radio list below for the CTM-H1-7200
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
CT-MDWP-HXG3 Speaker Mic
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$12650 $8400
The CTM-H3-XG Speaker Mic for Harris Radios listed below. The CTM-H3-XG features Waterproof IP68 Rating, Military Grade, RoHS Compliant, Rotating Clip, Kevlar Coiled Cable, Emergency Orange Button, High/Low Volume Toggle, 3.5mm Accessory Port and 1 Year Warranty
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$12650 $7950
Our Command Tac Brand CTM-H4-XL Speaker Mic comes with a 1 Year Warranty and great features. Our CTM-H4-XL features Waterproof Rating IP68, Orange Emergency Man Down Button, RoHS Compliant, Military Grade, Coiled Cable, Kevlar Coated Cable, 3.5mm Accessory Port for listen only, Swivel Clothing Clip, Great Audio, Volume Toggle, Heavy Duty Strain Relief and Direct Radio Connect
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
ESM-20-HY1 Speaker Mic
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$5900 $4990
The CTM-HY-H1 Replacement Speaker Mic for use with select Hytera Radios listed below. The CTM-HY-H1 features 3.5mm Accessory Port for use with optional listen only earpiece and 360 Rotating Clip
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
HM-168LWP Speaker Mic
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$7360 $6340
The CTM-I3-3001 Remote Speaker Mic is our brand replacement for ICOM OEM, and can be used with ICOM Radios and BearCom Radio listed below. Our Brand CTM-I3-3001 features Double Screw Mount, NON WATERPROOF, IP54 Rated, 360 Swivel Clothing Clip, Coiled Cable and 3.5mm Accessory Port for use with optional listen only earpiece
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$6210 $4700
CTM-K45 Radio Speaker Mic Our  CTM-K45 Remote Speaker Mic is made to save you money and still provide quality. Our CTM-K45 Radio Mic provides Swivel Clothing Clip, 3.5mm Accessory Port, Heavy Duty and a 1 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable TypeCoiled Cable
ESM-27-TA1 Speaker Mic
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$12650 $7200
The CTM-T1-9000 is a high quality mic made to meet or exceed OEM. The CTM-T1-9000 offers the following superior features Hi/Low Volume Control, Orange Emergency Button, IP68 Rated, Swivel Clothing Clip, Coiled Cable, 3.5mm Accessory Port and comes with a One Year Warranty
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
ESM-20-VX4 Speaker Mic
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$7360 $4450
The CTM-Y2-VX230 Speaker Mic for use with select Vertex Radios listed below. The CTM-Y2-VX230 features Coiled Cable, 3.5mm Accessory Port for use with optional listen only earpiece and 360 Rotating Clip
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$2300 $1900
The CTS-4442 is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Single Wire Earbud, In Line PTT w/VOX and Clothing Clip
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleEar Bud
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$2760 $1975
The CTS-4443 is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Single Wire Ear Receiver, In Line PTT w/VOX and Clothing Clip. Allows transmission without removing the radio from the holster. The CTS-4443 is replacing PMLN4443 and PMLN6531
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleOver the Ear Swivel
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$3680 $2400
The CTS-4606 is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Two Wire Kit. The CTS-4606 comes with Mini PTT, Clothing Clip, Acoustical Coiled Tube and Can be worn with either ear. Allows transmission without removing the radio from the holster. Great ear piece for the Hospitality, Restaurant and Retail business's
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
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The CTS-5318 by Command Tac is affordable and tough.  It meets OEM Motorola Standards and comes with a full 1 year warranty.  We even include an extra ear tube so you don't have to worry about buying a new one in 3 months.  Comes with a large sized PTT button that is convient and easy to reach.
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
Motorola PMLN6129A
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$7590 $5900
The CTS-6129-A is Command Tac Commercial Version of the OEM Brand and comes with 2 Wires, Acoustic Tube, Direct Radio Connect, Heavy Duty Strain Relief and Large PTT. Our CTS-6129-A comes with a 1 year warranty. Our CTS-6129-A was also known as RLN5882, RLN5882A, PMLN6129. Our CTS-6129-A is ONLY for the APX radio series. For the XPR series please see item CTS-6129-X
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
Motorola PMLN6129A
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CTS-6129-X XPR Radio Surveillance Kit: The CTS-6129-X is Our Version of the OEM Brand and comes with 2 Wires, Acoustic Tube, Direct Radio Connect, Heavy Duty Strain Relief and Large PTT. Our CTS-6129-X comes with a 1 year warranty. Our PMLN6129A was also known as RLN5882, RLN5882A, PMLN6129
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
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$2760 $2600
The CTS-6532 is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Swivel Earpiece. The CTS-6532 features One Wire with In-line PTT, Swivel Earpiece, Use with either ear and Clothing Clip. Allows transmission without removing the radio from the holster
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleOver the Ear Swivel
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$3082 $2350
The CTS-6535 is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original D Style Kit. The CTS-6535 features One Wire for Mini PTT, One Wire for Earpiece, Soft Rubber D Style earpiece, Use with either ear and Clothing Clip. Allows transmission without removing the radio from the holster
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleD Style Ear Piece
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$5990 $4990
The CTS-7269 is Our Replacement for the Motorola Original Surveillance Kit. Our CTS-7269 Surveillance Kit comes with a better and larger PTT, Metal Screen Mic Area, Protected PTT, Acoustical Coiled Tube, Mushroom Tip, Clothing Clip, 12 Month Warranty and Direct Radio Connect. CTS-7269 is also known as PMLN7269
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
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$3680 $2500
The CTS-9036 is Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Two Wire Kit. The CTS-9036 comes with Mini PTT, Clothing Clip, Soft Rubber Replaceable Earbud and Can be worn with either ear. Allows transmission without removing the radio from the holster. Great ear piece for the Hospitality, Resturant and Retail business's
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleEar Bud
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The CTS-K100 Acoustic Tube replacement for Kenwood 2 Pin Connected Radios. This CTS-K100 comes with in line PTT w/Clothing Clip, Soft Acoustic Clear tube Ear Piece, For either ear, Dual Pin Connection and 12 month warranty.
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
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$3197 $2700
The CTS-K200 is a direct replacement for the Kenwood Original KHS-31. This CTS-K200 comes with in line PTT w/Clothing Clip, Soft Rubber Over the Ear Swivel C Shape Ear Piece, For either ear, Dual Pin Connection and 12 month warranty. Our CTS-K200 replaces the Kenwood KHS-31
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleSwivel C Style
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$3059 $2600
The CTS-K27 is a direct replacement for the Kenwood Original KHS-27. This CTS-K27 comes with in line PTT w/Clothing Clip, Soft Rubber D Shape Ear Piece, Dual Pin Connection and 12 month warranty. Our CTS-K27 replaces the Kenwood KHS-27
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleD Style Ear Piece
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$3059 $2600
The CTS-K300 is a direct replacement for the Kenwood Original KHS-27. This CTS-K300 comes with in line PTT w/Clothing Clip, Soft Rubber D Shape Ear Piece, Dual Pin Connection and 12 month warranty. Our CTS-K300 replaces the Kenwood KHS-27
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleD Style Ear Piece
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$3197 $2900
The CTS-K31C is a direct replacement for the Kenwood Original KHS-31C. This CTS-K31C comes with in line PTT w/Clothing Clip, C Style Swivel Earpiece for use with either ear, Double Pin Connection and 12 month warranty. Our CTS-K31C replaces the Kenwood KHS-31C
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleSwivel C Style
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The CTS-K42 is a direct replacement for the Kenwood 2 Pin Radio Models. This CTS-K42 comes with in line PTT w/Clothing Clip, Acoustic Clear Tube Earpiece for use with either ear, Double Pin Connection and 12 month warranty.
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleAcoustical Comfort Tube
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$28750 $21995
The CTSH-10D-BH Heavy Duty Headset for Kenwood 2 Pin Connected Radios. This CTSH-10D-BH comes with Replaceable In Line PTT w/Clothing Clip, Adjustable Boom Mic, Ear Cup PTT, Mounting Brackets and 12 month warranty.
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Radio Connection StyleDirect Radio Connect
The CTSH-10D-LO Listen Only Headset for Kenwood 2 Pin Connected Radios. This CTSH-10D-LO comes with Replaceable Cable, Easy Attachable Connectors to Safety Helmets and 12 month warranty.
Cable StyleCoiled Cable Radio Connection StyleDirect Radio Connect
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The  CTSH-15D-BH Headset is a replacement for OEM. The  CTSH-15D-BH Headset offers Replaceable Coiled Cord with Large PTT w/Clothing Clip, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Ear Cup PTT, Adjustable Boom Mic, Mounting Brackets and 24dB. The  CTSH-15D-BH also comes with a 1 Year Warranty
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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Our CTSH-3000 is our brand Helmet Mountable Headset. Our CTSH-3000 features In-Line Large 2" PTT, Coiled Cable, Heavy Duty Swivel Clip, Boom Mic, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Double Muff Ear Cups, Extra PTT on Ear Cup and Adjustable Boom Mic. Our CTSH-3000 also comes with a 1 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment.
Fits Radio ModelsXPR3300, XPR3300e, XPR3500, XPR3500e Jack Size
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Our CTSH-3000-LO is our brand Helmet Mountable Headset. Our CTSH-3000-LO features Listen Only Style, Replaceable Cable, Heavy Duty Strain Relief and Double Muff Ear Cups. Our CTSH-3000-LO also comes with a 1 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment.
Fits Radio ModelsXPR3300e, XPR3500, XPR3500e, XPR3300 Jack Size
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Our CTSH-5139-A is our brand Helmet Mountable Headset. Our CTSH-5139-A features In-Line Large 2" PTT, Coiled Cable, Heavy Duty Swivel Clip, Boom Mic, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Double Muff Ear Cups, Extra PTT on Ear Cup and Adjustable Boom Mic. Our CTSH-5139-A also comes with a 1 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment.
Fits Radio ModelsAPX4000, APX7000, APX3000, APX6000XE, APX1000, APX6000Li, APX900, APX6000, APX8000XE, APX4000XH, APX8000, APX4000Li, APX7000XE Jack Size
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Our CTSH-5139-LO is our brand Helmet Mountable Headset. Our CTSH-5139-LO features Replaceable Coiled Cable, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Double Muff Ear Cups and Listen Only. Our CTSH-5139-LO also comes with a 1 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment.
Fits Radio ModelsAPX6000XE, APX1000, APX6000Li, APX900, APX6000, APX8000XE, APX4000XH, APX8000, APX4000Li, APX7000XE, APX4000, APX7000, APX3000 Jack Size
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Our CTSH-5139-X is our brand Helmet Mountable Headset. Our CTSH-5139-X features In-Line Large 2" PTT, Coiled Cable, Heavy Duty Swivel Clip, Boom Mic, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Double Muff Ear Cups, Extra PTT on Ear Cup and Adjustable Boom Mic. Our CTSH-5139-X also comes with a 1 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment.
Fits Radio ModelsXPR7380e, XPR6500, XPR7550, XPR6550, XPR7550e, XPR6580, XPR7580, XPR7350, XPR6300, XPR6100, XPR7350e, XPR6350, XPR7580e, XPR7380, XPR6380 Jack Size
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Our CTSH-5139-X-LO is our brand Helmet Mountable Headset. Our CTSH-5139-X-LO features Replaceable Coiled Cable, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Double Muff Ear Cups and Listen Only. Our CTSH-5139-LO also comes with a 1 Year Warranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment.
Fits Radio ModelsXPR6580, XPR7550e, XPR6550, XPR7550, XPR6500, XPR7380e, XPR6380, XPR7380, XPR6350, XPR7350e, XPR7580e, XPR6300, XPR7350, XPR7580, XPR6100 Jack Size
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$28750 $21995
The CTSH-5277 is OUR Brand Replacement for Motorola OEM. Our CTSH-5277 Headset features Helmet Mounted Style, Noise Cancelling Mic, Flexible Boom Mic, Padded Ear Cups, Comfortable Foam Ear Pad, Large In-Line PTT w/Clothing Clip, PTT Button on Ear Cup, 270° Rotatable Boom Mic. 12 month warranty. Our CTSH-5277 is far better than OEM helmet mounted because you get the the boom mic and OEM does not
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsCP476, RDU4103d, P040, XTN446, CP160, RMM2050, BPR20, CT450LS, XU4100, CP200XLS, P1325, SP10, CP100, GP308, CP450-LS, RDU4100, Mag One, XTN Series, CP150, RDV5100, CT450, P1225 LS, XU2600, CP200d, RMV2080, CP080, GP300, XV4100, CP450, RDU2080d, LTS2000, VL50, CP140, RDV2080d, R2, CT250, P1225, XU2100, CP200, RMU2080d, CP040, GP280, XV2600, CP300, RDU2023, GTX, VL130, CP1300, CT150, RDV2020, P1215, XU1100, CP185, RMU2080, CLS1410, GP2000, XV2100, CP250, RDU2020, GTI, SP50+, CP125, CP88, RDU4163d, P110, XTN600, CP1660, RMU2043, CLS1110, EP450, XV1400, CP240, PRO3150, CP120, GP88, SP50, CP477, RDU4160d, P080, XTN500, CP1600, RMU2040, BPR40, EP350, XV1100, CP220, PR400, SP21, CP110, GP68
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The CTSH-5277-LO is OUR Brand Replacement for Motorola OEM. Our CTSH-5277-LO Headset features Helmet Mounted Style, Listen Only, Padded Ear Cups, Comfortable Foam Ear Pad and Easy Mounting. 12 month warranty. Our CTSH-5277-LO is far better than OEM helmet mounted headset
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsRDU2080d, XV4100, CP450-LS, VL50, CP150, Mag One, CT450, RDV2080d, XU2100, CP200d, P1225 LS, GP300, RMU2080d, CP080, RDU2023, XV2600, CP450, VL130, CP140, LTS2000, CT250, RDV2020, XU1100, CP200, P1225, GP280, RMU2080, CP040, RDU2020, XV2100, CP300, SP50+, CP1300, GTX, RDU4163d, CT150, XTN600, CP185, P1215, GP2000, RMU2043, CLS1410, R2, XV1400, CP250, SP50, CP125, GTI, RDU4160d, CP88, XTN500, CP1660, P110, EP450, RMU2040, CLS1110, PRO3150, XV1100, CP240, GP88, SP21, CP120, RDU4103d, CP477, XTN446, CP1600, P080, EP350, RMM2050, BPR40, PR400, XU4100, CP220, GP68, SP10, CP110, RDU4100, CP476, XTN Series, CP160, P040, CT450LS, RDV5100, BPR20, CP200XLS, P1325, XU2600, GP308, RMV2080, CP100
CTWB-9985 Waterproof Bag
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$2760 $2000
CTWB-9985 Waterproof Radio Bag This Command Tac CTWB-9985 Waterproof Bag is our brand version that goes head to head against OEM brand. Our CTWB-9985 comes with Denier Black Nylon Strap for easy carry (Very Comfortable to wear), Easy Lobster Push Gate Clip and Re-inforced Metal Grommets. Great alternative for radios that are in bad weather elements or not submersible. Our CTWB-9985 is made to handle most size radios CAUTION: These waterproof bags will NOT Work with Motorola APX large radios with long antenna
SKUCTWB-9985 OEM Brand RadioKenwood, Uniden, Ritron, Midland, M/A-COM, Vertex, Tait, BearCom, Icom, Talkabout, GE Ericson, Harris, Tecnet, EF Johnson, BlackBox, RELM, TEKK, Hytera, Bendix King, Motorola, Maxon, TETRA, Datron Guardian
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$9570 $6950
Our  DGP4150  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP4150  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Noise Canceling, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip,  Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port  and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$10010 $6300
Our  DGP4150  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP4150  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
DGP4150 Radio Speaker Mic
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$12100 $7000
Our  DGP4150  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Highest Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP4150  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Rated IP67, Hi/Lo Volume Push Button, Heavy Duty Anchored Kevlar Coil Cable, Strain Relief, Built to Mil-Std 810, Push Anywhere Style PTT, Superior Audio, Super High Impact Casing, Oversized 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$10945 $6190
Our  DGP4150  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP4150  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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Our  DGP4150  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Highest Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP4150  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Rated IP68, Hi/Lo Volume Switch, Heavy Duty Anchored Kevlar Coil Cable, Strain Relief, Built to Mil-Std 810, Superior Audio, 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$8470 $6200
Our  DGP4150  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP4150  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Rugged Head Design, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$9570 $6950
Our  DGP4150+  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP4150+  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Noise Canceling, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip,  Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port  and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$10010 $6300
Our  DGP4150+  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP4150+  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
DGP4150+ Radio Speaker Mic
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$12100 $7000
Our  DGP4150+  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Highest Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP4150+  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Rated IP67, Hi/Lo Volume Push Button, Heavy Duty Anchored Kevlar Coil Cable, Strain Relief, Built to Mil-Std 810, Push Anywhere Style PTT, Superior Audio, Super High Impact Casing, Oversized 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$10945 $6190
Our  DGP4150+  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP4150+  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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Our  DGP4150+  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Highest Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP4150+  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Rated IP68, Hi/Lo Volume Switch, Heavy Duty Anchored Kevlar Coil Cable, Strain Relief, Built to Mil-Std 810, Superior Audio, 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$8470 $6200
Our  DGP4150+  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP4150+  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Rugged Head Design, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$9570 $6950
Our  DGP6150  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP6150  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Noise Canceling, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip,  Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port  and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$10010 $6300
Our  DGP6150  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP6150  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
DGP6150 Radio Speaker Mic
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$12100 $7000
Our  DGP6150  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Highest Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP6150  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Rated IP67, Hi/Lo Volume Push Button, Heavy Duty Anchored Kevlar Coil Cable, Strain Relief, Built to Mil-Std 810, Push Anywhere Style PTT, Superior Audio, Super High Impact Casing, Oversized 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
DGP6150 Radio Speaker Mic
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$10945 $6190
Our  DGP6150  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP6150  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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Our  DGP6150  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Highest Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP6150  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Rated IP68, Hi/Lo Volume Switch, Heavy Duty Anchored Kevlar Coil Cable, Strain Relief, Built to Mil-Std 810, Superior Audio, 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$8470 $6200
Our  DGP6150  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP6150  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Rugged Head Design, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$9570 $6950
Our  DGP6150+  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP6150+  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Noise Canceling, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip,  Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port  and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$10010 $6300
Our  DGP6150+  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP6150+  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
DGP6150+ Radio Speaker Mic
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$12100 $7000
Our  DGP6150+  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Highest Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP6150+  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Rated IP67, Hi/Lo Volume Push Button, Heavy Duty Anchored Kevlar Coil Cable, Strain Relief, Built to Mil-Std 810, Push Anywhere Style PTT, Superior Audio, Super High Impact Casing, Oversized 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
DGP6150+ Radio Speaker Mic
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$10945 $6190
Our  DGP6150+  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP6150+  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
Save 30%
Our  DGP6150+  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Highest Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP6150+  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Rated IP68, Hi/Lo Volume Switch, Heavy Duty Anchored Kevlar Coil Cable, Strain Relief, Built to Mil-Std 810, Superior Audio, 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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In stock
$8470 $6200
Our  DGP6150+  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Quality in Mind.  Our  DGP6150+  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Rugged Head Design, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
DP4400 battery
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$14950 $9400
DP4400 Radio Battery The  DP4400  is a 7.2 V / 3200 mAh / 23.0 Wh / Li-Ion battery. The DP4400 battery comes with commercial grade Japanese cells and is a smart battery which provides one of the longest lasting battery life on the market. The DP4400 battery comes with a belt clip (CL7144)
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
DP4401 battery
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$14950 $9400
DP4401 Radio Battery The  DP4401  is a 7.2 V / 3200 mAh / 23.0 Wh / Li-Ion battery. The DP4401 battery comes with commercial grade Japanese cells and is a smart battery which provides one of the longest lasting battery life on the market. The DP4401 battery comes with a belt clip (CL7144)
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
DP4600 battery
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$14950 $9400
DP4600 Radio Battery The  DP4600  is a 7.2 V / 3200 mAh / 23.0 Wh / Li-Ion battery. The DP4600 battery comes with commercial grade Japanese cells and is a smart battery which provides one of the longest lasting battery life on the market. The DP4600 battery comes with a belt clip (CL7144)
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
DP4601 battery
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$14950 $9400
DP4601 Radio Battery The DP4601 is a 7.2 V / 3200 mAh / 23.0 Wh / Li-Ion battery. The DP4601 battery comes with commercial grade Japanese cells and is a smart battery which provides one of the longest lasting battery life on the market. The DP4601 battery comes with a belt clip (CL7144)
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
DP4800 battery
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$14950 $9400
DP4800 Radio Battery The  DP4800  is a 7.2 V / 3200 mAh / 23.0 Wh / Li-Ion battery. The DP4800 battery comes with commercial grade Japanese cells and is a smart battery which provides one of the longest lasting battery life on the market. The DP4800 battery comes with a belt clip (CL7144)
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
DP4801 battery
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$14950 $9400
DP4801 Radio Battery The  DP4801  is a 7.2 V / 3200 mAh / 23.0 Wh / Li-Ion battery. The DP4801 battery comes with commercial grade Japanese cells and is a smart battery which provides one of the longest lasting battery life on the market. The DP4801 battery comes with a belt clip (CL7144)
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
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The DTR410 Battery, Lithium Ion (Li-Ion), 1700 Milliamps, 3.6 Volts and has 6.8 Wh. Our Brand DTR410 Battery will out preform the OEM due to greater running milliamps. Why pay more with OEM, buy ours and get more and pay less
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsDTR410
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$7040 $5500
Our  DTR410  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DTR410  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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The DTR510 Battery, Lithium Ion (Li-Ion), 1700 Milliamps, 3.6 Volts and has 6.8 Wh. Our Brand DTR510 Battery will out preform the OEM due to greater running milliamps. Why pay more with OEM, buy ours and get more and pay less
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsDTR510
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The DTR550 Battery, Lithium Ion (Li-Ion), 1700 Milliamps, 3.6 Volts and has 6.8 Wh. Our Brand DTR550 Battery will out preform the OEM due to greater running milliamps. Why pay more with OEM, buy ours and get more and pay less
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsDTR550
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$7040 $5500
Our  DTR550  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DTR550  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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The DTR610 Battery, Lithium Ion (Li-Ion), 1700 Milliamps, 3.6 Volts and has 6.8 Wh. Our Brand DTR610 Battery will out preform the OEM due to greater running milliamps. Why pay more with OEM, buy ours and get more and pay less
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsDTR610
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The DTR620 Battery, Lithium Ion (Li-Ion), 1700 Milliamps, 3.6 Volts and has 6.8 Wh. Our Brand DTR620 Battery will out preform the OEM due to greater running milliamps. Why pay more with OEM, buy ours and get more and pay less
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsDTR620
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The DTR650 Battery, Lithium Ion (Li-Ion), 1700 Milliamps, 3.6 Volts and has 6.8 Wh. Our Brand DTR650 Battery will out preform the OEM due to greater running milliamps. Why pay more with OEM, buy ours and get more and pay less
OEM Brand RadioMotorola Compatible Radio ModelsDTR650
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In stock
$7040 $5500
Our  DTR650  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  DTR650  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
EAK-1WDR-HY1 Surveillance Kit
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$3000 $2635
The EAK-1WDR-HY1 Surveillance Kit for use with select Hytera Radios listed below. The EAK-1WDR-HY1 features Single Wire, PTT, Clothing Clip, Two Prong Connector and Adjustable D Style Earpiece
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleD Style Ear Piece
EAK-1WDR-HY1L Surveillance Kit
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$3700 $2635
The EAK-1WDR-HY1L Hytera Surveillance Kit for use with select Hytera Radios listed below. The EAK-1WDR-HY1L features Single Wire, PTT, Clothing Clip, Locking Connector Screw Mount and Adjustable D Style Earpiece
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleD Style Ear Piece
EAK-1WDR-HY4 Surveillance Kit
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$5100 $4300
The EAK-1WDR-HY4 Surveillance Kit for use with select Hytera Radios listed below. The EAK-1WDR-HY4 features Multi Pin Connector, Single Wire, PTT, Screw Mount, Clothing Clip and Adjustable D Style Earpiece
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleD Style Ear Piece
EAK-1WDR-IC7 Surveillance Kit
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The EAK-1WDR-IC7 Surveillance Kit for use with select ICOM and BearCom Radios listed below. The EAK-1WDR-IC7 features Single Wire, PTT, Clothing Clip, Two Prong Connector and Adjustable D Style Earpiece
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleD Style Ear Piece
EAK-1WDR-KW1 Surveillance Kit
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$3000 $2450
The  EAK-1WDR-KW1 Surveillance Kit is made to meet or exceed OEM. The  EAK-1WDR-KW1 Surveillance Kit offers D Style Earpiece, Two Prong Direct Connect, Mini PTT, Adjustable Rotating Earpiece and a 1 Year Warranty
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleD Style Ear Piece
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$3000 $2490
The EAK-1WDR-VX4 Surveillance Kit for use with select Vertex Radios listed below. The EAK-1WDR-VX4 features Single Pin Connector, Double Screw Mount, Soft Rubber D Style Earpiece, Mini PTT, Adjustable Earpiece for use w/either ear, Clothing Clip and One Year Warranty
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleD Style Ear Piece
EAK-1WEB-KW1 Ear Bud Surveillance Kit
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$2400 $1990
The  EAK-1WEB-KW1 Surveillance Kit is made to meet or exceed OEM. The  EAK-1WEB-KW1 Surveillance Kit offers Ear Bud Earpiece (Pellet Style), Single Wire, Two Prong Direct Connect, Mini PTT and a 1 Year Warranty
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleEar Bud
EAK-1WEH-KW1 Surveillance Kit
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$2200 $1900
The  EAK-1WEH-KW1 Surveillance Kit is made to meet or exceed OEM. The  EAK-1WEH-KW1 Surveillance Kit offers Ear Hook Style, Adjustable Swivel Ear Bud Earpiece (Pellet Style), Single Wire, Two Prong Direct Connect, Mini PTT and a 1 Year Warranty
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleEar Hook
EAK-1WEH2-KW1 Surveillance Kit
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$2800 $2490
The  EAK-1WEH2-KW1 Surveillance Kit is made to meet or exceed OEM. The  EAK-1WEH2-KW1 Surveillance Kit offers Over the Ear Style, Adjustable Swivel Ear Bud, Single Wire, Two Prong Direct Connect, Mini PTT
Cable StyleStraight Cable Ear Piece StyleOver the Ear Swivel
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